系统的压力测试工具 - fio 2.0.10 发布

jopen 12年前


随着块设备的发展,特别是SSD盘的出现,设备的并行度越来越高。要想利用好这些设备,有个诀窍就是提高设备的iodepth, 一次喂给设备更多的IO请求,让电梯算法和设备有机会来安排合并以及内部并行处理,提高总体效率。

应用程序使用IO通常有二种方式:同步和异步。 同步的IO一次只能发出一个IO请求,等待内核完成才返回,这样对于单个线程iodepth总是小于1,但是可以通过多个线程并发执行来解决,通常我们会用16-32个线程同时工作把iodepth塞满。 异步的话就是用类似libaio这样的linux native aio一次提交一批,然后等待一批的完成,减少交互的次数,会更有效率。

发布日志: Support for trim as a primary IO directive, the addition of the JSON output format for easy parsing by both humans and computers, and fixes for a Solaris compilation error, gettid on NetBSD, Windows XP/2003 compatibility, engine starvation for extraordinarily long latencies, and fallocate(), netio compatibility, and support for SIGBREAK. The critical error list is now configurable. Three new IO engines were provided: falloc, e4defrag, and Fusion-io atomic write engine. A new sample job file was provided for SSD steady state performance. A segfault race on exit on non-Linux platforms was fixed. There were various other bugfixes and improvements。

下载: http://brick.kernel.dk/snaps/fio-2.0.10.tar.bz2.