Knotter 0.9.0 发布,高度可配置的交错图案设计工具
Knotter 是一个高度可配置的交错图案设计工具。在打结的结设计,可以保存和加载自定义格式或导出为各种格式的图像。 Interlace patterns are a kind of design historically used as a decorations in many places and by different cultures (some examples are Celtic knotworks and Islamic interlaces). Knotter aims to allow its user to design such patterns in an intuitive way and to provide easy ways to integrate the result into external general-purpose graphic software. For this purpose, designs created within Knotter can be saved in a custom human-readable format and exported as Scalable Vector Graphics and in a wide number of raster image formats
发布日志: Knotter 0.9.0 has been completely rewritten from scratch. The user interface is now more friendly and flexible, it's easier to navigate the canvas, and there is a more advance color dialog. It's now possible to assign a color to each rope in the knot. This release also contains several bugfixes and performance improvements