SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3 发布,企业级Linux桌面

jopen 12年前

SUSE Linux Enterprise是一份面向关键任务计算的协作式平台。SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop是企业级Linux桌面,适合例行的企业应用。它向现有系统和很多办公应用提供了可协作性。它还为台式机、笔记本、瘦终端设备、高端专业工 作站提供了灵活性。SUSE Linux Enterprise Server则被设计为能够承担关键任务的工作负荷。它是开放的和可扩展的解决方案,集成了基于Xen的虚拟系统、应用程序安全、跨多种硬件架构的系统管 理。SUSE Linux Enterprise Server提供了与Windows和其他平台的互操作性,并向各类边缘计算以及部门和数据中心需求提供了一份安全的基础。
 SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3 发布
Yesterday SUSE released the third service pack for SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 "Desktop" and "Server" editions, a set of commercial enterprise-class distributions for desktops and servers: " SUSE today announced the general availability of SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 Service Pack 3. This latest service pack brings additional industry-standard hardware support and open source features and enhancements to SUSE Linux Enterprise 11, the most interoperable platform for mission-critical computing - across physical, virtual and cloud environments. With Service Pack 3, customers can achieve better workload performance in a more scalable, secure and cost-effective manner. Service Pack 3 gives customers more scale-up and scale-out options to run their mission-critical workloads with support for new hardware, features and enhancements."

Read the press release and check out the detailed released notes ( desktop, server) for more information. 60-day evaluation editions are available for free download (after registration) from
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3 发布