deltasql 1.6.1 发布,利用源码来同步数据库

jopen 12年前

deltasql是一个利用源代码来同步数据库的工具,用于帮助控制数据库的变更。 While developing mid-sized or big applications, developers make changes to the data model that go along with changes to the source code. From time to time, branches of source code are done to stabilize the code that will go to production. A sort of data model branch is also needed. deltasql provides a simple way to collect all scripts that change the data model and means to handle data model branches. The deltasql server runs on Apache and is backed by MySQL。
deltasql 1.6.1 发布,利用源码来同步数据库

发布日志: New features: a navigation bar on the left for faster switching between pages. Fixes: copy&paste works in Internet Explorer. Known Issues: the Copy&Paste link disappears after being clicked once. Documentation: one new FAQ entry on why deltasql is so different from commercial tools. The new Web page is part of the package in the web subfolder