迷你的Linux发行版,4MLinux 3.3 Beta 发布
jopen 13年前
<p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193535653800011" target="_blank">4MLinux </a>是一个迷你的Linux发行版,包含一些系统维护和恢复工具,如 cfdisk 和 GNU parted 用来管理分区、testdisk 用来恢复分区、photorec 用来恢复文件以及 ntfs3g 用来支持对 NTFS 分区格式的数据读写。<br /> </p> <p>4MLinux 3.3 Beta 发布了,主要特性包括:</p> <ul> <li>maintenance (4MLinux Backup Scripts and Clam AntiVirus 0.97.4)</li> <li>multimedia (MPlayer 1.0rc5, FFmpeg 0.10.2, and xine</li> <li>mini-server (FTP, HTTP, SSH, and SFTP), </li> <li>mystery (meaning a collection of small Linux games). </li> <li>Both Ethernet (including WiFi) and dial-up (including mobile phones and USB modems) networking are supported. </li> <li>3D acceleration can be enabled for Intel, NVIDIA, and Radeon video cards. </li> <li>4MLinux can be run as LiveCD, LiveUSB, or installed to a hard disk</li> </ul> <p></p> <p><img style="width:549px;height:397px;" alt="迷你的Linux发行版,4MLinux 3.3 Beta 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/df9b0d3b8f96a2f62d5a97e424a58504.png" /></p>