Snort 发布,入侵检测系统
Snort是美国Sourcefire公司开发的发布在GPL v2下的IDS(Intrusion Detection System)软件
Snort有 三种工作模式:嗅探器、数据包记录器、网络入侵检测系统模式。嗅探器模式仅仅是从网络上读取数据包并作为连续不断的流显示在终端上。数据包记录器模式把数 据包记录到硬盘上。网路入侵检测模式分析网络数据流以匹配用户定义的一些规则,并根据检测结果采取一定的动作。网络入侵检测系统模式是最复杂的,而且是可 配置的。
发布说明: This release fixed an issue with the SMTP preprocessor and the ignore_tls_data configuration correctly stopping inspection after an SMTP session is encrypted. All rule evaluation (as opposed to just rules with fast patterns) is now disabled for packets on a previously blocked session. The perfmon preprocessor now writes stats as soon as both the time and packet count criteria are met. The same restrictions are enforced on relative PCRE for HTTP buffers from shared library rules as already existed with text rules