Redis 3.0.3 发布,新增可变 EXISTS 命令
jopen 10年前
Redis 3.0.3 发布,此版本主要新增了可变的 EXISTS 命令,还有一些 bug 修复:
升级级别:低 * [FIX] Fix blocking operations timeout precision when HZ is at its default value (not increased) and there are thousands of clients connected at the same time. This bug affected Sidekiq users that experienced a very long delay for BLPOP and similar commands to return for timeout. Check commit b029ff1 for more info. (Salvatore Sanfilippo) * [FIX] MIGRATE "creating socket: Invalid argument" error fix. Check issues #2609 and #2612 for more info. (Salvatore Sanfilippo) * [FIX] Be able to connect to the master even when the slave is bound to just the loopback interface and has no valid public address in the network the master is reacahble. (Salvatore Sanfilippo) * [FIX] ZADD with options encoding promotion fixed. (linfangrong) * [FIX] Reset aof_delayed_fsync on CONFIG RESETSTATS. (Tom Kiemes) * [FIX] PFCOUNT key parsing in cluster fixed. (MOON_CLJ) * [FIX] Fix Solaris compilation of Redis 3.0. (Jan-Erik Rediger)
Redis 是一个高性能的key-value数据库。 redis的出现,很大程度补偿了memcached这类keyvalue存储的不足,在部 分场合可以对关系数据库起到很好的补充作用。它提供了Python,Ruby,Erlang,PHP客户端,使用很方便。
SET操作每秒钟 110000 次,GET操作每秒钟 81000 次,服务器配置如下:
Linux 2.6, Xeon X3320 2.5Ghz.
stackoverflow 网站使用 Redis 做为缓存服务器。
Redis 在 CentOS 下的启动脚本请看这里。