Apache Knox v0.9.1发布,一个访问hadoop集群的restapi网关

有容云 9年前
   <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/866dc05c6da42d8b358c25ca3be6ce9e.gif" /></p>    <p>Apache knox是一个访问hadoop集群的restapi网关,它为所有rest访问提供了一个简单的访问接口点,能完成3A认证(Authentication,Authorization,Auditing)和SSO(单点登录)等。</p>    <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/d5d6b85da86061aca1d847eb729180a2.gif" /></p>    <h2>更新日志</h2>    <h3>功能增强</h3>    <ul>     <li>[KNOX-711] Added the ability to scope rewrite rules</li>    </ul>    <h3>Bug修复</h3>    <ul>     <li>[KNOX-705] - Views in Ambari UI don't render when proxied by the AMBARIUI service</li>     <li>[KNOX-705] - Improvement on 404 error messages with ambari views</li>     <li>[KNOX-705] - rules to support view changes in Ambari</li>     <li>[KNOX-712] - submitPig does not allow multiple argument via arg() (Pierre Regazzoni via lmccay)</li>     <li>[KNOX-713] - Knox Shell HDFS.get.Request is Package Private (Chris Snow via lmccay)</li>     <li>[KNOX-714] - Remove Permissive MIT License from NOTICE File</li>     <li>[KNOX-715] - submitJava should allow multiple argument via arg() (Pierre Regazzoni via lmccay)</li>     <li>[KNOX-716] - replayBufferSize is kept in bytes</li>     <li>[KNOX-717] - changed the location header in RANGERUI rewrite to be more specific</li>     <li>[KNOX-721] - added rewrite rules to take care of no slash url</li>     <li>[KNOX-721] - added rewrite rules to take care of no slash url</li>     <li>[KNOX-721] - Loosening up the match criteria as the Location header coming back from Ranger is not always correct</li>     <li>[KNOX-722] - Null Pointer Exception while Knox SSO configured for OKTA/SAML v2</li>     <li>[KNOX-722] - changed KnoxSessionStore to not base64 empty cookie value</li>     <li>[KNOX-722] - Null Pointer Exception while Knox SSO configured for OKTA/SAML v2</li>     <li>[KNOX-723] - qualifying the login page resources with the frontend path</li>     <li>[KNOX-724] - ambari view fixes</li>     <li>[KNOX-725] - defining policy chain for ambari and ranger services</li>     <li>[KNOX-726] - Clean up Skipped Unit Tests</li>     <li>[KNOX-731] - added ranger and ambari services to topology</li>    </ul>    <h2>下载</h2>    <pre>  <img alt="Apache Knox v0.9.1发布,一个访问hadoop集群的restapi网关" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/4f2cb253390d6dcf57a3eb144feed7ca.gif" width="20" height="22" /> <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958992890869912294">knox-0.9.1-src.zip</a>      31-Jul-2016 12:07  3.0M    <img alt="Apache Knox v0.9.1发布,一个访问hadoop集群的restapi网关" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/4f2cb253390d6dcf57a3eb144feed7ca.gif" width="20" height="22" /> <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958992890990410264">knox-0.9.1.tar.gz</a>       31-Jul-2016 12:07   60M    <img alt="Apache Knox v0.9.1发布,一个访问hadoop集群的restapi网关" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/4f2cb253390d6dcf57a3eb144feed7ca.gif" width="20" height="22" /> <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958992891099522179">knox-0.9.1.zip</a>          31-Jul-2016 12:07   68M  </pre>    <p> </p>    <p>本站原创,转载时保留以下信息:<br /> 本文转自:深度开源(open-open.com)<br /> 原文地址:<a href="http://www.open-open.com/news/view/7a01d4cf">http://www.open-open.com/news/view/7a01d4cf</a></p>