构建一个Firefox OS应用需要10个资源
Firefox OS 是由 Mozilla 主导开发的新一代开源移动操作系统,它采用Linux 内核以及基于 Gecko 的运行环境, 它为用户提供完全基于 HTML/JavaScript技术以及其他开放 Web 应用接口的应用程序。
Firefox移动操作系统前身为Mozilla的Boot to Gecko项目,其中的电话、短信、游戏等一切功能均是HTML5应用。没有所谓的“原生应用”,游戏也多是HTML5应用,操作性能强悍,在系统流畅度方面将会有非常出色的表现。
The Reasons Why
Why Mozilla does it This article explains why Firefox OS can help the web and mobile community in general.
Firefox OS simulator This nifty little thing will allow you to run and test your apps inside the Firefox browser.
Boilerplate app Shows usage of WebAPI with code examples.
IndexDB tutorial How to find a way to store data in your user's browser.
App Manifest Here the magic happens - how to create a manifest file that lets your app to communicate with the web browser.
App Manager This tool gives you a more in-depth control over the deployment and debugging of your HTML5 apps.
Make cross domain requests by making your app Privileged (or Certified) and by setting systemXHR in app manifest.
Brick web components How to catapult HTML5 apps into the future - provides useful components you can use immediately in your app, speeding up development and prototyping.
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Do it with style
Firefox OS style guide From colours to the typeface - a guide to how it should look.
Firefox OS design principles A short description of the philosophy behind the designing process of Firefox OS.
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