基于Web的MySQL管理工具,MyWebSQL 2.9 发布

fmms 13年前
   <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958198716549254515" target="_blank">MyWebSql </a>是一个基于Web的MySQL数据库管理客户端,类似 phpMyAdmin,但界面更好看。除了操作表格数据外,MyWebSql 还可以对包括视图,存储过程,触发器和函数在内的对象进行控制。支持数据和查询结果的导入\导出。MyWebSql 还内置一个带语法着色功能的SQL编辑器。</p>    <ul>     <li><span class="feature">Fast, intuitive, developer friendly user interface</span><span class="text">Familiar interface and functionality of a desktop application, with applications menus, right click menus, options and dialogs</span></li>     <li><span class="feature">Compatible with all major web browsers<br /> </span><span class="text">Internet Explorer 7+, Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari supported out of the box</span></li>     <li><span class="feature">Create/Edit table structure without writing queries<br /> </span><span class="text">WYSIWYG Table editor allows you to quickly create and alter tables in grid mode.</span></li>     <li><span class="feature">WYSIWYG editing of database tables and query data</span><span class="text">Grid based data display for query results and quick editing on the fly</span></li>     <li><span class="feature">Edit and delete multiple records at the same time with ultimate ease</span><span class="text">Just double click a column in the data set to edit it, and save all edited records at once when done! You can also generate queries instead of directly updating records, which you can edit before you execute</span></li>     <li><span class="feature">Syntax highlighting rich text sql editor inside browser without the need of any plugin<br /> </span><span class="text">Switch between multiple query editors and execute queries using hotkeys on all browsers</span></li>     <li><span class="feature">Export complete database / tables / query results to external files<br /> </span><span class="text">Export results as plain sql, xml, html or simple text format</span></li>     <li><span class="feature">Use MySQL related tools without learning a single command</span><span class="text">Use the Process manager to manage/kill mysql processes easily</span></li>     <li><span class="feature">Sleek interface with multiple themes support</span><span class="text">Work with the colors and themes of your choice on your favorite application</span></li>     <li><span class="feature">Easy to deploy and install on almost all major server configurations</span><span class="text">Use on any combination of mysql and php servers and operating system</span></li>     <li><span class="feature">Ready to use without any configuration required</span><span class="text">Just download and unpack the archive in any folder on your webserver and you are ready to go!</span></li>     <li><span class="feature">Open source !</span><span class="text">Download, install and share it with your friend as you like</span><br /> <br /> MyWebSQL 2.9 发布,该版本更新对 CodeMirror2 的支持,增加了三个虚拟的主题,更好的支持多任务和修复大量的bug。</li>    </ul>    <p><img alt="基于Web的MySQL管理工具,MyWebSQL 2.9 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/d3d0aef1773064bb01b14b2375e61388.png" width="400" height="300" /></p>