TeXstudio 2.6 发布,LaTeX 编辑器
jopen 12年前
TeXstudio是一个功能完整的 LaTeX 编辑。它是旨在使编写LaTeX文档尽可能的方便和舒适。它具有一个集成的PDF浏览器(几乎)字级同步,实时预览,高级的语法高亮,实时检查引用/引文,LaTeX命令,拼写和语法。
发布说明: This release improves various different aspects of TeXstudio. For example, all icons were converted to SVG and support Mac retina displays, the align columns command can be used to align other environments than tables, the dictionary for spell checking can be set on file level with magic comments, folded lines are stored in the session config, the cursor movement can be set to visual for rtl-languages and lrm-characters can be automatically inserted, the template management is more customizable, pweave files are syntax highlighted, scrolling is animated, and more