Java内容仓库API,Apache Jackrabbit Oak v1.2.15 发布
jopen 9年前
<p style="text-align: center;"> <img alt="" src="" /></p> <p> JSR-170把自己定义为一个能与内容仓库互相访问的,独立的,标准的方式。同时它也对内容仓库做出了自己的定义,它认为内容仓库是一个高级的信息管理 系统,该系统是是传统的数据仓库的扩展,它提供了诸如版本控制、全文检索,访问控制,内容分类、访问控制、内容事件监视等内容服务。 </p> <h2>更新日志</h2> <pre> Changes in Oak 1.5.2 --------------------- Technical task [OAK-3840] - Clean up the FileStore constructor [OAK-4184] - DocumentNodeStore and DocumentMK.Builder should allow read-only mode [OAK-4190] - DocumentMK: refactor RDB-specific code [OAK-4193] - RDBBlobStore: logging for garbage collection has parameters reversed [OAK-4199] - RDBBlobStore: garbage collection fails to delete DATA records when there was subsequent blobstore activity [OAK-4203] - ExternalSortTest doesn't cleanup temp files [OAK-4204] - GarbageCollectorFileState.copy() leaks FileOutputStream [OAK-4205] - SegmentGraphTest doesn't correctly delete the temporary directory on cleanup [OAK-4206] - JournalReaderTest creates multiple temporary files and doesn't delete them [OAK-4207] - TarWriterTest creates a temporary TAR file that is never deleted [OAK-4208] - Unit and integration tests in oak-segments don't clean up after test data [OAK-4209] - FileStoreStatsTest doesn't close the temporary FileStore instances [OAK-4210] - JournalEntryTest doesn't close a JournalReader at the end of the test [OAK-4213] - IndexCopierTest#basicTestWithFS leaves temp files [OAK-4214] - Many tests of LucenePropertyIndexTest leave temp files undleted [OAK-4217] - UpgradeTest does not clean up temp file [OAK-4225] - AbstractOak2OakTest never calls getSoureContainer().clean() [OAK-4227] - OakDirectoryTest#dirNameInException_Writes leaves temp files [OAK-4228] - Some tests in LuceneIndexTest leave out CoR/CoW-ed directories [OAK-4232] - Bump segment version to 12 [OAK-4236] - SegmentNodeStoreConfigTest#testDeadlock in oak-pojosr leaves out tmp file [OAK-4237] - NodeStoreBinaryResourceProviderTest#csvGenerator leaks temporary folder [OAK-4241] - JdbcNodeStoreContainer does not correctly clean up H2 temp files [OAK-4250] - DocumentStore: add test coverage for find() with ultra-long keys [OAK-4257] - Findbug issues in security modules Bug [OAK-3488] - LastRevRecovery for self async? [OAK-4107] - NPE in MongoDocumentStore.determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis [OAK-4148] - RAT plugin complains about derby files [OAK-4166] - Simple versionable nodes are invalid after migration [OAK-4195] - Use clock when waiting in ClusterNodeInfo [OAK-4211] - FileAccess.Mapped leaks file channels [OAK-4219] - ExternalLoginModuleTestBase doesn't remove synced User/Group accounts [OAK-4224] - DefaultSyncContext.sync(ExternalIdentity) should verify IDP [OAK-4231] - DefaultSyncContext creates Value of type String for Binary|Inputstream Object [OAK-4251] - Guard against NPE in DefaultSyncConfig.Authorizable.setAutoMembership [OAK-4258] - Don't release oak-segment-next when the reactor project is released [OAK-4263] - LIRS cache: excessive use of notifyAll [OAK-4267] - SyncedIdentity for foreign authorizable always has isGroup set to false [OAK-4269] - Firebug warning: possible null-pointer dereference in S3Backend [OAK-4296] - Oak-run console's lucene command is broken [OAK-4300] - Cost per entry for Lucene index of type v1 should be higher than that of v2 [OAK-4302] - DefaultSyncContextTest contains duplicate test [OAK-4307] - SegmentWriter saves references to external blobs [OAK-4310] - Avoid instanceof checks in SegmentDiscoveryLiteService [OAK-4311] - SegmentNodeStoreService should unregister the registered cluster ID descriptors [OAK-4313] - QueryImpl should avoid traversal with queries containing native constraints [OAK-4316] - The Jcr builder should accept a fully initialized Oak instance [OAK-4325] - Autocreation of properties fails if user id is null [OAK-4345] - Bulk update constructs malformed query [OAK-4346] - SyncMBeanImpl.syncExternalUsers doesn't check for foreign IDP [OAK-4351] - Non-root lucene index throws exception if query constraints match root of sub-tree [OAK-4357] - javadoc plugin should be java 7 [OAK-4359] - Lucene index / compatVersion 2: search for 'a=b=c' does not work [OAK-4360] - SyncMBeanImpl.syncUsers swallows errors [OAK-4362] - SyncMBeanImpl.purgeOrphanedUsers swallows sync-error [OAK-4363] - SyncMBeanImpl: result lacks 'uid' if error messages has been created from ExternalIdentityRef Improvement [OAK-3348] - Cross gc sessions might introduce references to pre-compacted segments [OAK-4112] - Replace the query exclusive lock with a cache tracker [OAK-4119] - Improvements Take 1 [OAK-4168] - Replace the massive lock acquire with cache tracker in bulk createOrUpdate() [OAK-4169] - Make the bulk createOrUpdate retry count configurable in Mongo [OAK-4173] - Add log message when a custom tika config files is used by an index [OAK-4175] - Allow to skip the repository initialization in oak-upgrade [OAK-4182] - oak-run->console should have a read-only mode to connect to document stores (mongo, rdb, etc) [OAK-4185] - Add DOCUMENT_MEM to FixturesHelper [OAK-4198] - oak-run console should have command to export relevant documents (same as oak-mongo.js' printMongoExportCommand) [OAK-4220] - ExternalLoginModuleFactoryTest should extend from ExternalLoginModuleTestBase [OAK-4221] - Move duplicate constants to ExternalLoginModuleTestBase [OAK-4222] - Cleanup ExternalLoginModuleTest [OAK-4223] - Minor improvements to ExternalIdentityRefTest [OAK-4230] - Remove unused JsopWriter in Commit [OAK-4242] - Counter index should be rebuilt after successful migration [OAK-4249] - Extract abstract test-base without OSGi registrations [OAK-4261] - Add PropInfo.asPropertyState [OAK-4262] - Provide a way to abort an async indexing run [OAK-4266] - NodeDocumentCache#get method should be synchronized [OAK-4297] - Oak-run console should allow to setup FDS of repository [OAK-4298] - oak-run->console should have a read-only mode to connect to segment store [OAK-4299] - oak-run console should connect to repository in read-only mode by default [OAK-4306] - Disable cleanup when compaction is paused [OAK-4317] - Similar and Native queries should return no results if no index can handle them [OAK-4321] - Improve conflict exception message to show if conflict is unexpected [OAK-4347] - Use the indexPath from hidden property instead of taking this as input as part of index config [OAK-4365] - Redundant Action Class Lookup in DefaultAuthorizableActionProvider Task [OAK-4192] - continously testing JR SNAPSHOT on oak trunk [OAK-4245] - Decide on a final name for oak-segment-next [OAK-4259] - Implement fixtures for running again oak-segment and/or oak-segment-next [OAK-4273] - Disable testConcurrentWithConflict on Derby [OAK-4303] - Use the oak-segment-next in the oak-upgrade tests [OAK-4308] - Align the UpgradeTest#upgradeFrom10 to oak-segment-next [OAK-4355] - [oak-blob-cloud] Update to latest version of aws-sdk-java Test [OAK-4181] - Ignore GetInfoTest.testPropertyChanged() and testPropertyRemoved() [OAK-4186] - DocumentMemoryFixture does not dispose node store [OAK-4187] - Add DOCUMENT_MEM to NodeStoreFixtures [OAK-4188] - RepositoryStub on MemoryDocumentStore [OAK-4191] - Speed up LargeLdapProviderTest [OAK-4216] - Improve testing of DefaultSyncHandler [OAK-4226] - Improve testing of DefaultSyncContext [OAK-4248] - More tests for the exposed 'basic' package [OAK-4264] - Improve testing of SyncMBeanImpl </pre> <h2>下载地址</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958990384597158683" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (zip)</a></li> <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958990384715687718" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (tar.gz)</a></li> </ul>