JFtp 1.57 发布,一个Swing Java网络和文件传输客户端
jopen 12年前
JFtp是一个Swing Java网络和文件传输客户端。它支持FTP使用自己的FTP API和其它各种协议如SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTP, 与使用第三方API的 file I/O。It includes many advanced features such as recursive directory up/download, browsing FTP servers while transferring files, FTP resuming and queueing, browsing the LAN for Windows shares, and more. The FTP API is separated from the GUI and can also be used in third-party applications. It should ideally be launched in a Web browser via Java Web Start (contained by the Java 1.4 plugin), but can also be started locally。
发布日志: This release adds "clear" and "scroll lock" to the log panel, updates jsch to v1.49, fixes some rss feed exceptions, and brings some UI improvements to various dialogs.