Zutils 1.1-rc2 发布 ,文件压缩工具集
jopen 12年前
Zutils 是一组用来处理压缩文件的工具集,支持的压缩档包括:gzip, bzip2, lzip, and xz. 当前版本提供的命令有:zcat, zcmp, zdiff, and zgrep。
发布日志:The new options "--bz2", "--gz", "--lz" and "--xz" have been added to all utilities. Zutils now provides the runtime configuration file "zutilsrc", which allows the user change the compressor to be used for each format. The checking of the exit status of compressors has been improved. The use of "decompressed" and "uncompressed" in the documentation has been revised.