Oracle Linux 5.11 发布

jopen 10年前

Oracle Linux是由Oracle支持的企业级Linux发行,它从红帽企业Linux(RHEL)的源代码包生成。Oracle Linux的独有特性包括一份定制且严格测试过的名为“Oracle Unbreakable Kernel”的Linux内核,与Oracle的多数数据库应用在内的软硬件产品的紧密集成,以及“零掉线打补丁”技术——该特性能让系统管理员在不重 启的情况下更新内核。

Oracle Linux 5.11 发布

We're happy to announce the availability of Oracle Linux 5.11, the eleventh and final update release for Oracle Linux 5. ISO images will soon be available from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud and the individual RPM packages have already been published to our public yum repository. This release includes the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 2 (2.6.39-400), Oracle's recommended kernel for Oracle Linux. For further details, please see the Oracle Linux 5.11 Release Notes.

Oracle Linux can be downloaded, used and distributed free of charge and updates and errata are freely available. For support, you are free to decide which of your systems you want to obtain a support subscription for, and at what level each system should be supported. This makes Oracle Linux an ideal choice for your development, testing and production systems - you decide which support coverage is the best for each of your systems individually, while keeping all of them up-to-date and secure.
