Hybryde Linux 13.04 发布,基于Ubuntu的发行
Hybryde Linux是一份面向桌面的基于Ubuntu的发行。它最不寻常的特色是能在多个桌面环境及窗口管理器间无需注销就能进行迅速切换,支持的图形界面列表包 括Enlightenment 7、GNOME 3(GNOME Shell及GNOME 3 Fallback模式)、KDE、LXDE、Openbox、Unity、Xfce、FVWM。这是通过一份可高度定制的Hy-menu来达到的,它还支 持程序的运行和系统的配置。所有打开的应用程序都能转到任何一个桌面上。该系统提供一种在多桌面环境中流畅工作的有趣方式。
Olivier Larrieu has announced the release of Hybryde Linux 13.04, a rather unusual distribution which ships with 11 desktop user interfaces (Enlightenment, GNOME 2, GNOME 3, KDE, LXDE, Openbox, Unity, FVWM, Xfce, MATE and Cinnamon) and which provides a way to seamlessly switch between them without a need to restart the X window system. This it does so via a default home-made desktop called HY-D-V1: " After more than five months, we have a new concept: HY-D-V1 which is a new paradigm for the desktop. It works with web technologies. This new version, Hybryde 'Fusion', includes HY-D-V1 which has been created for artists and users who want to transform their desktop into an artistic tool and for those who want to play with graphic effects. That's because Linux users are not merely professionals and because computers are not reserved to business use alone." Visit the project's home page to learn more about the ideas behind the Ubuntu-based Hybryde Linux. Download the live DVD image (with support for French and English) from here: Hybryde-Fusion-release-live-dvd-i386.iso (1,716MB).