Mac 原生文本编辑器,Chocolat 3.1.5 发布
jopen 9年前
Chocolat是一款强大的Mac系统文本编辑器,兼具原生的Cocoa及强大的文本编辑功能。Chocolat支持很多种编程语言的关键字高亮显示包括JS, Python, Ruby, HTML等、窗口分割、标签页、色彩主题等功能。界面和MacVim非常相似。
- Psychic code completion.
- Customizable snippets.
- Live error checking
- Code folding.
- Split editing.
- Speedy file navigation.
- Multiple cursors and selections.
- Rollback the clipboard.
- System colour picker.
- Vim keybindings.
- Project-wide find and replace.
- Live previewing of HTML
and Markdown. - Built-in language documentation.
- tmsyntax and tmtheme support.
Chocolat 3.1.5 发布,此版本主要改进如下:
Reduced memory usage from syntax highlighting by ~30% by lazily storing capture information.
cmd-alt-dot (close tag) now works in multicursor mode
choc CLI should work now if given multiple file paths
cmd-ctrl-T "Reveal in Terminal". Opens the current file's parent directory in Clone workspace is now cmd-option-T.
Version 3.x added Yosemite support and costs $15 (if you already bought it then please ignore this message). There is no charge to use 3.x on Mavericks.