JDK 8u45,7u79 和 7u80 发布
JDK 8u45(1.8.0_45-b14),JDK 7u79 和 JDK 7u80 发布了,其中 JDK 7u79 是最后的公开发布版。
jdk 8u45 更新内容
新增 Lambda 表达式,它能够使功能作为方法参数或将代码作为数据;
显著增加和完善 Java 语言特性,增添标准库,包括默认方法,新的 java.util.stream 包及 Date-Time API;
Compact Profiles 包含 Java SE 平台预定义子集,无需将它部署在整个平台上。同时,它可运行在小型设备上;
安全性方面有所更新:Java加密体系架构更新;限制doPrivileged;SSL/TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) Extension 以及增强密钥库;
更新了 JavaFX 文档
Bug 修复:
[macosx] jdk8, jdk7u60 Regression in Graphics2D drawing of derived Fonts
Deadlock in awt/logging apparently introduced by 8019623
Socket impls should ignore unsupported proxy types rather than throwing
(tz) Support tzdata2015a
Parsing JNLP file should not cause download of extensions.
JavaWS fails with proxy autoconfig due to missing "dnsResolve"
32-bit JRE silent install fails on WINDOWS 2008 SERVER 64-bit under System account
Failed Java web start via IPv6 (Java7u71 or later)
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException while reading krb5.conf
parameter_index for type annotation not updated after outer.this added
JDK 8 schemagen tool does not generate xsd files for enum types
XSL: Run-time internal error in 'substring()'
XSL: wrong answer from substring() function