8个最好的机器学习速查表(Cheat Sheets)
1. scikit-learn Algorithm Cheat Sheet
This machine learning cheat sheet will help you find the right estimator for the job which is the most difficult part. The flowchart will help you check the documentation and rough guide of each estimator that will help you to know more about the problems and how to solve it.
2. Cheat Sheet – Algorithm for Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Emanuel Ferm created this useful cheat sheet for personal use, and then later introduced for everyone to download. Check this and learn many aspects of machine learning in a matter of minutes.
3. Big Data Machine Learning
Another useful machine learning cheat sheet coming from Dzone that will help you learn how to set up training and testing data, implementing multiple machine learning models and many more important topics.
4. Microsoft Azure Machine Learning : Algorithm Cheat Sheet
This machine learning cheat sheet from Microsoft Azure will help you choose the appropriate machine learning algorithms for your predictive analytics solution. First, the cheat sheet will asks you about the data nature and then suggests the best algorithm for the job.
5. Machine Learning Cheat Sheet
A very useful and best machine learning cheat sheet that comes with many classical equations and diagrams to help you learn more about machine learning. Not only helpful for developers, but also comes handy if you are going to give job interview related to machine learning.
6. Supervised Learning Superstitions Cheat Sheet
Ryan Compton created a cheat sheet that contains his notes and superstitions about common machine learning algorithms. This is a quick reference guide that will help all the people learning or giving interviews.
7. Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet
Created by Laura Diane, this is a very simple but useful machine learning cheat sheet that will help you understand more about algorithms and where to use them.
8. Cheat Sheet – 10 Machine Learning Algorithms & R Commands
Created by Ajitesh Kumar, this article contains 10 popular machine learning algorithms and related R commands and package information. This cheat sheet will help beginners to understand more about the algorithms and how to use it further.
Well, if you have any such useful machine learning cheats sheet that claims to help others, then do let us know by leaving your comments below.