10个最好的HTML5 App开发平台和框架

jopen 10年前

Terelik Platform

10个最好的HTML5 App开发平台和框架

Irrespective of whether you’ve a PC, Mac or Linux, Terelik platform is easy to install and setup. You can use a library of user interfaces for visually constructing your app, followed by exporting the same to JavaScript. The best thing about using Terelik platform is that it not only allows you to build cross-platform mobile apps, but even provides you a complete solution that would support your organization’s mobile strategy. Already in use by some of the major industry biggies like Sony, Fox, IBM, Toshiba and Dell, Terelik platform has legendary support services.


10个最好的HTML5 App开发平台和框架

As an open source mobile app platform created by Motorola Solutions, RhoMobile works as an excellent option for creating apps that are compatible with multiple devices. Utilizing the Ruby-based framework called Rhodes, RhoMobile allows you to use the Rhodes API for building your kind of mobile application. Whether you’re an enterprise or consumer developer, RhoMobile is for you.


10个最好的HTML5 App开发平台和框架

MoSync is a cross-platform SDK and HTML tool that allows you to create apps that can run on all mobile platforms. While working with MoSync, you aren’t restricted to just the JavaScript frameworks for replicating the native UI, instead you are free to create native, responsive UI elements using just JavaScript. Plus, MoSync comes with a built-in support for push notifications via a unified interface available for every supported platform.

Appcelerator Titanium

10个最好的HTML5 App开发平台和框架

Appcelerator Titanium is yet another brilliant HTML5 app development platform that utilizes HTML5, CSS3, Ruby, PHP, Python and JavaScript for creating perfect applications that can run on iOS and Android mobile operating systems. The Mobile Test Automation feature of Appcelerator Titanium eliminates labor intensive and error prone manual testing.




10个最好的HTML5 App开发平台和框架

As a free, open source platform, PhoneGap allows you to create apps using the popular web technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. All you need to do is simply use the standardized web APIs and you’ll be able to come up with a truly brilliant mobile application. Having been contributed to the Apache Software Foundation(ASF) under the name as Apache Cordova, PhoneGap continues to remain free under the Apache License, Version 2.0. It it interesting to know that PhoneGap has been downloaded over 10 million times and is currently being used by 400,000+ developers across the globe.

Best HTML5 App Development  Frameworks

Intel XDK

10个最好的HTML5 App开发平台和框架

Intel XDK is an absolutely stunning HTML5 mobile app development framework which allows you to create HTML5 apps, followed by delivering them multiple app stores and form factors. Intel XDK serves you with an all-in-one development environment for simulating, testing, tuning and deploying games to multiple app stores via a single code base. In addition to offering you a wide array of templates, Intel XDK also supports multiple UI Frameworks including jQuery Mobile, 推ter Bootstrap and Topcoat.


10个最好的HTML5 App开发平台和框架

The M Project

10个最好的HTML5 App开发平台和框架

The M Project is a fantastic mobile HTML5 JavaScript framework that allows you to create cross-platform mobile web apps based on Backbone.js. With The M Project, you can build native looking web apps that work flawlessly on different browsers. The fully customizable nature of The M Project creates room for extension of the views, themes and even the framework.


10个最好的HTML5 App开发平台和框架

Framework7 is an open source HTML Mobile framework that enables you to build hybrid mobile apps or web apps with the look and feel of a native iOS application. As an ultra easy to use framework, F7 comes loaded with a bunch of ready-to-use UI elements and widgets like popup, popover, media lists, side panels, action sheet, layout grid, form elements, preloader etc.


10个最好的HTML5 App开发平台和框架

As a remarkable front-end framework for building HTML5 mobile apps(with a native look and feel), Junior is a must-try framework. Some of the most interesting features of this framework include swappable carousels via flickable.js, Ratchet CSS UI components, CSS Transitions, Integration with backbone.js routers and views etc.