ClojureScript v1.9.198发布

jopen 9年前
   <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" /></p>    <p>ClojureScript 是一个用来将 Clojure 语言转成 JavaScript 脚本的工具。主要有以下优点:</p>    <ul>     <li>简洁性: 从语法角度来说,ClojureScript 是一种基于 Lisp 的语言,这使得它的语法十分简洁。除此之外,ClojureScript 还提供了帮助我们更方便的异步编程的工具。</li>     <li>安全性: 这意味着更少的漏洞!ClojureScript 和其他的函数编程语言都有很多的特性来帮助我们减少和减轻一些常见的漏洞。</li>     <li>高性能: ClojureScript 使用了Google的Closure编译器,这使得ClojureScript能支持无用代码清除以及其他的一些特点。</li>     <li>实时编程: ClojureScript 生态圈提供了很多的工具来“实时编程”。这意味着当代码一改变,在你的项目上就会马上反应出来。</li>     <li>代码复用性: ClojureScript 能在全局中运行,很多人称之“同态”。这代表你能在服务器端和客户端运行相同的代码,这在 Node.js 的生态系统中已经是个流行的模式了。除此之外,ClojureScript 还能使用 Node.js 和 Java 生态圈当中的库。</li>    </ul>    <p style="text-align: center;"><img src="file:///C:/Users/wqm/AppData/Local/Temp/enhtmlclip/Image(3).jpg" /><img alt="" src="" /></p>    <h2>更新日志</h2>    <h3>功能增强</h3>    <ul>     <li>CLJS-1508: Extend ns form to support :rename option</li>     <li>CLJS-1507: Implicit macro loading: macro var inference in :refer</li>     <li>CLJS-1692: Autoalias clojure.* to exisiting cljs.* namespaces if possible</li>     <li>CLJS-1350: Compiler support for browser REPL</li>     <li>CLJS-1729: Support <code>use</code> special function in REPLs</li>     <li>CLJS-1730: Support <code>refer-clojure</code> special function in REPLs</li>    </ul>    <h3>改变</h3>    <ul>     <li>CLJS-1515: Self-host: Allow :file key in cljs.js/<em>load-fn</em></li>     <li>add toString implementation to Vars</li>     <li>Use a js array to create collections in cljs.reader</li>     <li>CLJS-1640: Use the unshaded version of the closure compiler</li>     <li>add :browser-repl to list of known opts</li>     <li>add browser REPL preload</li>     <li>parity with Clojure 1.9.0-alpha10 clojure.spec</li>     <li>bump to tools.reader 1.0.0-beta3</li>    </ul>    <h3>问题修复</h3>    <ul>     <li>CLJS-1733: Macro inference issue for macros & runtime vars with the same name</li>     <li>CLJS-1735: Self-host: cljs.spec speced-vars instance</li>     <li>CLJS-1736: cljs.spec.test: checkable-syms* called with 0-arity</li>     <li>CLJS-1708: Self-host: [iu]nstrument-1 needs to qualify [iu]nstrument-1*</li>     <li>CLJS-1707: Self-host: with-instrument-disabled needs to qualify <em>instrument-enabled</em></li>     <li>CLJS-1732: Add docstrings for new use and use-macros REPL specials</li>     <li>CLJS-1720: Qualify symbols and namespaced keywords in spec macros</li>     <li>CLJS-1731: Self-host: do_template problem with script/test-self-parity</li>     <li>CLJS-1556: Invalid code emit for obj literal</li>     <li>CLJS-1607: bug with <code>specify!</code> in JS prototypes with <code>static-fns</code> true</li>     <li>CLJS-1591 avoid analyzing invoke arguments multiple times</li>     <li>CLJS-1638: :elide-asserts disables atom validators in :advanced</li>     <li>CLJS-1721: 3-arity get-in fails on types which do not implement ILookup</li>     <li>CLJS-1728: Update doc for ns for new :rename capability</li>     <li>CLJS-1727: Regression when evaluating non-sequential forms at the REPL</li>     <li>CLJS-1490: Watch macro files in</li>     <li>CLJS-1719: Port destructuring namespaced keys and symbols</li>     <li>CLJS-1653: cljs.spec: keys* causes exception</li>     <li>CLJS-1700: Support clojure.* aliasing when not in vector</li>     <li>CLJS-1717 remove map from equiv-map</li>     <li>CLJS-1716: No longer possible to use same alias for :require-macros and :require</li>     <li>Use keyword options in js->clj 1-arg impl</li>     <li>Add support for regex in transit for compiler analysis cache</li>     <li>Escape non-Latin1 characters before base64 encoding the source-map string</li>     <li>CLJS-1698: cljs.spec: every res call needs &env</li>     <li>CLJS-1695: Self-host: Port cljs / clojure namespace aliasing</li>     <li>CLJS-1697: doc on inferred macros fails</li>     <li>CLJS-1699: Update docstring for ns</li>     <li>CLJS-1694: Self-host: Port macro var inference in :refer</li>    </ul>    <h2>下载</h2>    <ul>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958993200723407437" rel="nofollow"><strong>cljs.jar</strong></a></li>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958993200850930154" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (zip)</a></li>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958993200965809391" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (tar.gz)</a></li>    </ul>    <p> </p>    <p>本站原创,转载时保留以下信息:<br /> 本文转自:深度开源(<br /> 原文地址:<a href=""></a></p>    <h2> </h2>