CakePHP 2.7.0 发布,PHP 开发框架

cebp 10年前

CakePHP是一个运用了诸如ActiveRecord、Association Data Mapping、Front Controller和MVC等著名设计模式的快速开发框架。该项目主要目标是提供一个可以让各种层次的PHP开发人员快速地开发出健壮的Web应用,而 又不失灵活性。主要特性:

提供应用程序的基础模块和CRUD 代码自动生成功能

CakePHP 2.7.0 发布,此版本 API 兼容 2.x 系列,最新的 2.6 系列版本是 2.6.9 版本,这周将会发布。

CakePHP 2.7.0 可以替换你现有的 2.5 或者 2.6 库,此版本包括一些新特性。


  • The class String has been renamed to CakeText. This resolves some  conflicts around HHVM compatibility as well as PHP7. The  String class is still provided for compatibility reasons.

  • Validation::notEmpty() has been renamed to Validation::notBlank().  This aims to avoid confusion around the PHP notEmpty() function and that  the validation rule accepts 0 as valid input.

  • SessionComponent::setFlash() has been deprecated. You should use  FlashComponent instead.

  • SessionHelper::flash() has been deprecated. You should use  FlashHelper instead.


  • Plugin shells that share a name with their plugin can now be called without  the plugin prefix. For example Console/cake MyPlugin.my_plugin can now  be called with Console/cake my_plugin.

  • Configure::consume() has been added to read and delete from  Configure in a single step.

  • CakeSession::consume() has been added to read and delete from  session in a single step.

  • New setting level is now available in TreeBehavior. You can use it to  specify field name in which the depth of tree nodes will be stored.

  • New method TreeBehavior::getLevel() has been added which fetches depth of  a node.

  • SessionComponent::consume() has been added to read and delete  from session in a single step.

  • SessionHelper::consume() has been added to read and delete from  session in a single step.

  • Shell::param() has been added. This method allows you to read CLI options  without notice errors.

  • The text/plain content type is no longer mapped to the 'csv' response type  by RequestHandlerComponent. This helps fix issues when applications used  jQuery and csv responses.


  • SQL datasources will now cast '' and null into '' when columns are  not nullable and rows are being created or updated.

  • Argument $renew has been added to CakeSession::clear() to allow  emptying the session without forcing a new id and renewing the session. It  defaults to true.

  • CakeEmail will now use the 'default' config set when creating instances that  do not specify a configuration set to use. For example $email = new  CakeEmail(); will now use the 'default' config set.

  • ControllerTestCase::testAction() now supports an array as URL.
