calc 发布,任意精度算术运算系统

jopen 12年前

Calc 任意精度算术运算系统,使用类似于C的语言。这是非常有用的一个计算器,一个算法原型,和一个数学研究工具。 More importantly, calc provides a machine-independent means of computation. Calc comes with a rich set of builtin mathematical and programmatic functions。

发布日志: This release updates the RPM build process, makes libraries chmodded as 0644 to allow for building rpms without root, adds a resource script, adds a calc-symlink make rule to setup symlinks from standard locations into a tree specified by a non-empty ${T} makefile variable, adds calc-unsymlink to remove any symlinks which may have been created by the calc-symlink rule, and fixes a bug uncovered in calc which caused script failures when calc was called within a while loop in BASH if the while loop was fed from stdin, due to calc's redirection/inheritance of stdin and no option to change this behavior。

calc 发布,任意精度算术运算系统