开源轻量级办公组件,Calligra 2.9.8 发布
Calligra是一个轻量级的办公组件,旨在为所有平台提供一个基于开放标准的优秀办公软件。除了标准的办公软件外,该版本新增加了示意图和流程 图编辑器Flow,以及笔记工具Braindump。Calligra兼容MS Office 2007 文件,改进了启动速度、性能、文本布局,为平板和智能手机提供Calligra Activ和 Calligra Mobile两种用户界面。
Calligra 2.9.8 发布,此版本改进了应用和底层开发框架,主要是重要的 bug 修复:
Make the maximum default toolbox button size 22px (bug 352110)
Fix display of toolbox icons on CentOS
Fix crash when typing a bogus color-set name in the color set dialog
Avoid repeated opening of the same object, possible for large data
Table view’s combo box list: ensure that highlighted row is visible
Table view: update the highlighted row while scrolling the viewport
With minor exceptions these functions now work with SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL
This make Kexi unique environment supporting unified SQL
In many cases substitute functions are used to make the result work in a portable way
No extra i18n added; will be added in a KDb port
Implementation of the function parser supports:
checking number of arguments
checking types of arguments, sometimes “any number” or “any text or BLOB”
checking compatibility of arguments in function
checking relation of value of arguments in function, e.g. value of the first argument smaller than second’s
checking NULL arguments in function; then most often the result is NULL
argument overloading or optional arguments, e.g. round(X) and round(X,Y)
displaying of human-readable error messages when the above constraints are not met, for example “Three arguments required” or “Function does not accept any arguments”
easy extensibility using just a few lines of code.
New feature: Add support for 22 typical scalar SQL functions (wish 352631):
abs(X), ceiling(X), char(X1,X2,…,XN), coalesce(X,Y,…), floor(X), greatest(X,Y,…) and its alias max(X,Y,…), hex(X), ifnull(X,Y), instr(X,Y), least(X,Y,…) and its alias min(X,Y,…), length(X), lower(X), ltrim(X), ltrim(X,Y), nullif(X,Y), random(), random(X,Y), replace(X,Y,Z), round(X), round(X,Y), rtrim(X), rtrim(X,Y), soundex(X), trim(X), trim(X,Y), unicode(X), upper(X). -
New feature: Add support for hex literals, useful for opearting on BLOBs in queries: X’ABCD’ (SQL) and 0xABCD (ODBC) formats
Optimize evaluating type of expressions (also for database migration)
Fix broken floating-point constants in Kexi SQL queries, e.g. “1.002” was interpreted as “1.2” (bug 352363)
After parsing numbers are now kept losslessly as byte arrays, what enables unlimited precision
Improve parsing/sending BLOB literals
Improve performance of the SQL scanner
Make parsing of argument lists in scalar SQL functions more efficient by reversing direction
MySQL databases:
Set client_library_version property for newer versions of MySQL
PostgreSQL databases:
Return NULL value for columns of NULL type
Switch to “BYTEA HEX” escaping while generating native statements
Fix lack of update of Flow’s canvas and page count when deleting the current page
Let Ctrl+Home/Ctrl+End go to top/bottom of text shape in stage. Much more expected than exiting edit-mode and going to the first or last page.
Fix crash when loading a presentation created with LO Impress
Don’t leave temporary files around
Calligra Flow
Calligra Stage