Bodhi Linux 3.0.0 RC1 发布

jopen 11年前

Bodhi Linux是面向桌面的基于Ubuntu的发行,其特色在于优雅及轻量级的Enlightenment窗口管理器。该项目从Enlightenment的软件开发仓库中直接集成并预配置最新的Enlightenment,提供了模块特性、高度的可定制性及主题选择。缺省的Bodhi系统很小巧,仅有的预安装程序是Firefox、Terminology、Elementary Nautilus及Synaptic,而更多的软件可通过一个基于网页的、称为Bodhi软件中心的软件安装工具获取。


At Bodhi we work firmly on an 'it's ready when it's ready' schedule as opposed to sticking to our set release goals and churning out something we are not happy with. Better late than never as the saying goes! Just ten days after the targeted release date I am happy to share our first release candidate for Bodhi Linux's third major release. The most important new thing in this release is the addition of an ISO image that supports legacy hardware. The legacy ISO image features a 3.2 kernel that will work on i486 machines (or newer), including non-PAE hardware. This ISO image currently features the same E19 desktop that the other three discs have, but if all goes as planned the legacy disc will feature the E17 desktop by default starting with our second release candidate.

Download: bodhi-3.0.0-64bit-rc1.iso (703MB, MD5).
