Thunderbird 24.0 发布,邮件客户端

jopen 11年前

Thunderbird是一个支持IMAP、POP3的邮件客户端工具,它提供了一个向导程序,能让你导入来自Outlook 和Outlook Express的邮件和邮箱地址。在Thunderbird中,所有重要的功能都可以通过工具条上的按钮进行快速操作。这款邮件客户端相当易用,而且允许 你轻松地更换界面主题。快速搜索功能则允许你使用发件人或邮件主题为关键字进行搜索,并且可以按多个关键字进行分组排序显示。

Thunderbird还集成了具备自学习功能的垃圾邮件过滤器和RSS阅读器。它对IMAP(Internet Message Access Protocol)的支持也很不错,并且你还可以通过安装插件的方式为Thunderbird添加更多的功能。

Release Notes: Message threads can now be ignored or watched. Email can now be sent to IDN-based email addresses. Zoom functionality is available in the compose window. In the Compose window, ctrl/cmd + and ctrl/cmd - now change the zoom setting rather than the font size. In 推ter, replying to a tweet now replies to all users, just like on the 推ter website. Interactions in the filter list dialogs have been improved. In Chat, user nicknames are now highlighted when mentioned. In IRC, long messages will now be sent in multiple parts instead of being cut off. Various security fixes
邮件客户端 Thunderbird 6.0 发布
