MongoDB 连接包,MongooseJS 4.2.5 发布
Mongoose 是基于nodejs,使用javascript编程,连接mongodb数据库的软件包,使mongodb的文档数据模型变的优雅起来,方便对mongodb文档型数据库的连接和增删改查等常规数据操作。
mongoose是当前使用mean(mongodb express angularjs nodejs)全栈开发必用的连接数据库软件包。
MongooseJS 4.2.5 发布,此版本主要是 bug 修复:-
fixed; handle setting fields in pre update hooks with exec #3549
upgraded; ESLint #3547 ChristianMurphy
fixed; bluebird unhandled rejections with cast errors and .exec #3543
fixed; min/max validators handling undefined #3539
fixed; standalone mongos connections #3537
fixed; call
when setting a single nested doc #3535 -
fixed; single nested docs now have methods #3534
fixed; single nested docs with .create() #3533 #3521 tusbar
docs; deep populate docs #3528
fixed; deep populate schema ref handling #3507
upgraded; mongodb driver -> 2.0.48 for sort overflow issue #3493
docs; clarify default ids for discriminators #3482
fixed; properly support .update(doc) #3221