Alpine Linux 2.6.0 发布

jopen 12年前

Alpine Linux是由社区开发的操作系统,它面向x86路由器、防火墙、虚拟专用网、IP电话盒及服务器而设计。它在设计时就贯彻了安全的理念,包含了一些主动安全特性如PaX和SSP,它们能防止软件中的漏洞被敌手加以利用。该系统采用的C语言库是uClibc,基础工具则都在BusyBox中。它们在嵌入式系统中很常见,它们比GNU/Linux系统中的工具要小。
Alpine Linux 2.6.0 发布
Natanael Copa has announced the release of Alpine Linux 2.6.0, a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution for servers, based on uClibc and BusyBox: " We are pleased to announce Alpine Linux 2.6.0. Since 2.5, among the various bug fixes, several packages have been upgraded: Linux kernel upgraded to 3.9.2 with the grsecurity patch; Ruby 2.0; PHP 5.4.5; Kamailio 4.0; QEMU 1.4; Squid 3.3. Other things that might be worth noting: LXC support; support for NFS with Kerberos; the initramfs script has initial support for PXE; VServer kernel got reverted to the 3.4.y LTS and slimmed down configuration; Quagga got multi-path support. Known issue: DMV*N does not work. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release." Here is the brief release announcement with a link to a complete changelog. Download link: alpine-2.6.0-x86_64.iso (279MB, SHA256).