系统管理工具,RHQ 4.4 发布
jopen 12年前
<div id="p_fullcontent" class="detail"> <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958184501080525076" target="_blank">RHQ</a>是一个可扩展的,支持多种产品和平台的系统管理套件,它具有以下功能: </p> <p>* 图形化监控 <br /> * 错误报警 <br /> * 远程配置资源 <br /> * 远程操作</p> <p><strong>RHQ的具体特性 </strong></p> <p>Inventory :提供可管理资源的信息<br /> Monitoring:针对管理资源具体方面的监控,比如计算机的空闲内存的时间变化<br /> Response Times:被请求资源的实时响应信息<br /> Configuration:以便你查看修改配置信息<br /> Operations:操作资源<br /> Content:向资源中添加内容<br /> [Security]:安全控制</p> <p>RHQ采用的是Server/Agent的架构,这样就是RHQ的扩展变得更加容易。<br /> </p> <p>RHQ 4.4 发布了,该版本除了修复了很多 bug 之外,还包含大量改善,主要有如下内容:</p> <ul> <li>Availability now knows a type of "disabled". This allows you to mark resources while maintenance or non-connected network interfaces so that they do not show up as down and also don't create false alerts. This also includes the possibility that plugins request to mark a resource as enabled or disabled</li> <li>Faster availability reporting</li> <li>Faster availability checking in the agent, that is also less bursty than in the past</li> <li>Plugins can now request an availability check for a resource</li> <li>Alerting has been improved: It is now possible to react on availability being in a certain state for some period of time (see the release notes for a long explanation</li> <li>The JBoss AS 7 plugin has been massively improved</li> <li>Denis Krusko has provided some <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958339468634813026">initial Russian translations</a> of the UI</li> <li>Reports like Suspect Metrics, Recent Operations or Recent Drift can now be exported in CSV format to e.g. post-process them in Open/LibreOffice.</li> </ul> </div>