iPhone 应用程序解密工具 dumpdecrypted
fmms 13年前
dumpdecrypted可以解密加密的iPhone应用程序,它是通过dump内存中的数据到磁盘上的方式工作。 <br /> <br /> 项目地址: <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195949044310949" target="_blank">https://github.com/stefanesser/dumpdecrypted</a> <br /> 功能: <br /> <pre>[+] Found encrypted data at address 00002000 of length 1826816 bytes - type 1. [+] Opening /private/var/mobile/Applications/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/Scan.app/Scan for reading. [+] Reading header [+] Detecting header type [+] Executable is a FAT image - searching for right architecture [+] Correct arch is at offset 2408224 in the file [+] Opening Scan.decrypted for writing. [-] Failed opening. Most probably a sandbox issue. Trying something different. [+] Opening /private/var/mobile/Applications/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/tmp/Scan.decrypted for writing. [+] Copying the not encrypted start of the file [+] Dumping the decrypted data into the file [+] Copying the not encrypted remainder of the file [+] Closing original file [+] Closing dump file</pre>