Notepad++ 6.7 发布
jopen 10年前
①、Notepad内置支持多达 27 种语法高亮度显示(囊括各种常见的源代码、脚本,值得一提的是,完美支持 .nfo 文件查看),也支持自定义语言;
④、Notepad提供数个特色东东,如 邻行互换位置、宏功能,等等...现在网上有很多文件编辑器,这个却是不可多得的一款,不论是日常使用还是手写编程代码,都能让你体会到它独有的优势和方便。
Notepad++ 6.7 发布了,注意 Notepad++ 不再支持任何 Windows XP SP2 之前的版本。该版本增加了 C 风格的智能缩进,支持 PHP、JavaScript、C/C++、Java、C# 和 Objective-C。可通过设置界面的 Auto-indent 选项启用或者关闭。
Release Date: 2014-12-14
Notepad++ Installer: Take this one if you have no idea which one you should take.- Notepad++ zip package: Don't want to use installer? Check this one (zip format).
- Notepad++ 7z package: Don't want to use installer? 7z format.
- Notepad++ minimalist package: No theme, no plugin, no updater, quick download and play directly. 7z format.
- SHA-1 digests for binary packages: Check it if you're paranoid.
- Notepad++ source code: The source code of current version.
You can find sha1 digests for binaries package on Sourceforge as well.
Notepad++ v6.7 new features and bug fixes:
- Add Smart Indent feature for php/javascript/c/c++/java/c#/Objective-C.
- Enhance Auto-insert feature for {} [] (): typing and skipping }, ] and ).
- Add new feature of MRU: While current file is closed the previous activated file will be activated.
- Allow users to disable Easter eggs by adding noEasterEggs.xml in Notepad++ installed directory.
- Enhancement: Resize column Name filed correctly while hiding column Ext.
- Fix Global colours not applied to all text of the "Find result" pane.
- Add C# and enhance php parser in Function List.
- Fix document list panel has no selection while start up.
- Fix docSwitcher bug which shows new 0 after loading a session of files.
- Fix crash issue on quit Notepad++ while session snapshot period backup feature is on.
- Make "Text Direction RTL" command and "Text Direction LTR" command work without reloading file.
- Make document map matches the current text direction (RTL/LTR).
- Fix a crash issue while the opened document is deleted/moved from outside.
- Fix undo actions on unsaved snapshot file removing the dirty state bug.