模块化的Linux发行,GoboLinux 015 Beta 3 发布

jopen 11年前

GoboLinux是模块化的Linux发行,它以新颖、合理的方式组织应用软件。传统的方式是将一个应用软件涉及的多个文件分散在/usr/bin、 /etc、/usr/share/abc之类的目录里面,而GoboLinux却为每一个软件设立其自己的目录树,因而将它们雅致地分隔开,并使得用户可 以看明白系统中安装的所有内容:哪个文件属于哪个应用软件变得一目了然。

I am pleased to announce the release of GoboLinux 015 beta3. We have had  several updates on this snapshot that include changes to the desktop  environment  (we have opted to ship the ISO with Enlightenment 18) and to  the file system hierarchy (removal of /System/Links).    Starting with this snapshot, we will no longer have support for a  configurable superuser name, too. Borrowing Hisham's words: it was an  interesting experiment, often fun, often annoying, often tiring. We  stretched the boundaries of what's hardcoded and what's not in a Linux  system, but as of 2014 it just takes too much effort to swim against the stream  on that, for little to no practical gain.    This snapshot also introduces a number of new packages that should enrich  the desktop experience. We have fixed all issues that have been reported  since beta2 and worked hard to make this release as polished and close to  final as possible.    The ISO can be downloaded from the following URL:http://gobolinux.org/iso/GoboLinux-015_beta3-i686.isohttp://gobolinux.org/iso/GoboLinux-015_beta3-i686.md5