8 个必须有的免费PHP开发脚本

jopen 11年前

<H3 font-size:1.2em;?="">PHP & MySQL Login Script</h3>

8 个必须有的免费PHP开发脚本

It is one of the best PHP Scripts available for developers, which is unsophisticated, object-oriented and secure (bcrypt and blowfish using the authorized PHP password hashing functions). The files in the set are well-ordered and only a sole database table is used. There are 4 forms that shield every requirement from modest to full-MVC-framework-like practice.

<H3 font-size:1.2em;?="">Commentics</h3>

8 个必须有的免费PHP开发脚本

It is a free PHP comments script, using MySQL for keeping data that can be incorporated into any website and originates with many features. The scripts have numerous safety features like captcha or swear/spam and anti-flooding filters. Once a user directs a comment, they can also give the rating to the content as well and subscribe to the forthcoming comments through RSS or e-mail.


8 个必须有的免费PHP开发脚本

This is another one of the most useful Free PHP Scripts, which is a free PHP form script that delivers a fine level of availability & safety. The script has a usable semantic markup & does not make use of JavaScript. It is screen-reader adjusted & keyboard responsive. In means of safekeeping, the form requests a query to the user & anticipates the correct answer to complete the suggestion.


8 个必须有的免费PHP开发脚本

The application is free, open source, made with PHP and utilizes MySQL for keeping the data. It displays a snapshot of the stats -sustained with diagrams- in a “OneView” page and sub-pages for inspecting top-referrers, visited pages or stating keywords exist. And, a “History” page lets mining the figures of previous months. ChiliStats also provides a stats counter widget to be incorporated inside website pages.

Xde Bug

8 个必须有的免费PHP开发脚本

Xdebug is a free and open source PHP extension for repairing and reporting PHP scripts in facet. Seeing it is an extension, the practice is stress-free and needs very limited kits to structure in the code-side. It can offer data on stack traces and function traces in inaccuracy memos with full parameter exhibition for user defined functions, line indications, file name and function name. Xdebug can also display the memory distribution, summarizing info and code coverage breakdown.

PHP A/B Testing

8 个必须有的免费PHP开发脚本

phpA/B is a free PHP script that allows you to structure A/B tests on your website so swiftly. It incorporates spontaneously into your Google Analytics, letting deeper vision into your tests’ influence on customers. The script can be run in test mode to discover out if the discrepancies are functioning fully and, if it is, can be transferred to live mode.


8 个必须有的免费PHP开发脚本

Osclass offers one of the extensively used free open source php script to form your individual classifieds websites. Osclass allows user to generate classified websites in minutes allied to marketing real estate or professions or in for any other class that you need.

Silurus Classifieds Open Source Script

8 个必须有的免费PHP开发脚本

Silurus is a skilfully established Open Source PHP Classifieds script that was made for you. Whether you are running classifieds for merchandise, bicycles, horses, autos, rv’s, bikes, guns, or general, their product is the precise bundle for you