开源数据库,Apache Derby 发布

jopen 11年前

Apache Derby项目欣然宣布功能版本10.10.1.1 发布

Apache Derby是Apache DB项目子项目。Derby是一个纯Java的关系数据库引擎,遵循ISO/ANSI SQL 和 JDBC标准。

Derby 可以从以下网址获得:



    JDBC 4.2 支持 - Derby supports the Java 8 enhancements to JDBC.
小设备配置文件 - Derby runs on the small CP2 profile of Java 8. See the corresponding
JEP at http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/161
    用户定义聚合 - Applications can create their own aggregate operators. See
the "CREATE DERBY AGGREGATE" section in the Derby Reference Manual.
可变参数例程 - SQL routines can be bound to user-written Java methods which have
variable length argument lists.
    可选工具 - Derby has new, optional tools to support data migration and metadata
queries. See the "Optional tools" section in the Derby Tools and Utilities Guide.
SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_INVALIDATE_STORED_STATEMENTS - Derby has a new system procedure for
invalidating stored prepared statements when you think that your metadata queries or triggers
are misbehaving--for example if they throw a NoSuchMethodError on execution. See the section
on this new system procedure in the Derby Reference Manual.
    更快的查询编译 - A number of changes have made SQL compilation faster.
未加密数据库 - Encryption can be turned off on existing databases. See the
section on the decryptDatabase attribute in the Derby Reference Manual.

此外, Derby包含很多的bug,安全性和文件的修复。