DEFT Linux 8 Beta 发布,数字证据及取证工具箱

jopen 12年前

 DEFT Linux 8 Beta 发布,数字证据及取证工具箱
Stefano Fratepietro has announced the availability of the public beta release of DEFT Linux 8, a specialist Lubuntu-based distribution and live DVD with open-source tools for digital forensics and penetration testing:

" Here is the new digital forensics system optimized for Intel-based 64-bit architectures - DEFT Linux 8. What's new? a 64-bit 3.5 Linux kernel that has brought down the 4 GB memory limit - now you can use DEFT Linux on systems that have up to 256 TB of RAM; Sleuthkit 4 and Autopsy 2, ready for Autopsy 3 on Linux (only for law enforcement); Digital Forensics Framework 1.3; Libewf and AFFlib full support; Xmount and Mount Ewf; Guymager 0.7.1, Cyclone 0.2 and Esximager; Recoll 1.19.5 - software for indexing; Bulk extractor 1.3.1 with Bulk extractor GUI 1.3; Dumy 0.2 - an intelligence parsing tool to extract sensible data from anonymous dump; Skype extractor...."

Here is the full release announcement with a long list of included tools and utilities.
Download: deft8_beta.iso (1,607MB, MD5).
DEFT Linux 8 Beta 发布,数字证据及取证工具箱