Legion of the Bouncy Castle 1.49 发布,纯JAVA实现的加密算法包
jopen 12年前
Bouncy Castle加密包提供的是轻量级的API,这样的设计使得它适合于所有遵循JCE框架的应用环境,包括J2ME。其包含的API大致如下:
发布说明: This release adds support for server/client side TLS 1.1 and server/client side DTLS 1.0, the SipHash MAC algorithm, the 4 DRBGs specified in NIST SP 800-90A, OCB mode, and the GMAC algorithm (NIST SP 800-38D). In addition, it is now possible to store OCSP objects in CMS SignedData, parameter and key generation is now fully supported for the keys sizes specified in DSA 2, and support has been added for the SHA-512/t digest varients. A number of bugs and an encoding regression with T61 Strings have also been fixed