SymphonyOS 14.1 发布
jopen 10年前
Symphony OS是基于Debian GNU/Linux和KNOPPIX操作系统的GNU/Linux发行。与其他Linux操作系统相比,Symphony的行为略有不同,它更易于使用,并且更加直观。
- 更新至基于Ubuntu 14.04的系统
- Improved handling of menu generation and proper updating of the menu system when system changes occur
- 改善注销功能
- 利用LightDM代替 Slim DM
- 安全更新到本地的httpd
- Fixes to installation from DVD
While this new release still receives a beta title and should not be considered stable it is a large step forward and we hope to continue incremental releases as we improve the experience.
You can download the latest SymphonyOS 14.1 Release here.