Pardus Linux 2.0 RC2 "Community" 发布,一份GNU/Linux发行
Ortanca Samuray has announced the availability of the second release candidate for Pardus Linux 2.0
"Community" edition, a Debian-based distribution with a choice of GNOME and KDE desktops: " Pardus Community 2.0 RC2 is ready. Pardus Community 2.0 RC2 is released and available in four flavors - GNOME (x86, amd64) and KDE (x86, amd64). Community versions are suitable for personal use, incorporating all the applications needed by end users. Debian 'Sid' is used for building the Community edition. Improvements have been made to the ATI and NVIDIA drivers (NVIDIA 304.88, ATI fglrx 13.4). For notebooks with dual graphics card the problem is now solved. Problems with pardus-config-xorg are also solved. Pardus Installer has been simplified and relation problems with OpenGL and Mesa GLX are now also solved. Firefox 23.0.1, Thunderbird 17.0.8, TeamViewer, Skype, Linux kernel 3.10.7."
Here is the brief release announcement with a link to the project's bug tracker.
Download: pardus_community_2.0rc2_gnome_64bit_en.iso (1,799MB, MD5), pardus_community_2.0rc2_kde_64bit_en.iso (1,962MB, MD5). <IMG title="Pardus Linux" border=1 hspace=6 alt="Pardus Linux 2.0 RC2 " vspace=6 src="" width=480 height=384 linux发行?="" 发布,一份gnu="" community?="">