Git 客户端,TortoiseGit 发布
TortoiseGit (海龟Git)是 TortoiseSVN的 Git版本,tortoisegit用于迁移TortoiseSVN到TortoiseGit,一直以来Git在Windows平台没有好用GUI客户端,现在tortoisegit的出现给Windows开发者带来福音。
== Features ==
* Updated libgit to version 2.5.0
* Fixed issue #2563: No Windows 10-specific library icon
* Fixed issue #2568: Add Fast Forward Only option to the merge dialog (--ff-only)
* Fixed issue #2579: Add option to retry push after failed push followed by rebase
* Fixed issue #2583: No overlay icon theme for Windows 10
* Fixed issue #2578: Resolve Dialog should open "Edit conflicts"
* Fixed issue #2590: Allow to resolve conflicts with TortoiseGitIDiff by clicking on select
* Added branch revision number for tracking of the source code version of a branch in automated builds using "git rev-list --count --first-parent"
* Allow to choose Git Credential Manager for Windows (GCM)
* Fixed issue #2604: Tag using TortoiseGitProc.exe /command:tag should accept a tag name argument
* Fixed issue #2609: Start scrolling the log from the bottom of the window rather than the top when finishing the progress
* Fixed issue #2608: Need a cancel option when cancelling a "restore after commit"
* Fixed issue #2531: Can't filter message in annotated tag or text in notes
* LogDlg: Clear filter on escape (if set) or exit dialog * TortoiseGitMerge: Allow to change file encoding
* TortoiseGitMerge: Move all commands to the first view to avoid having to switch views
* Add find bar to patch viewer
* Added some new OverlayIcon styles (especially for Windows 10)
* Update PuTTY binaries to 0.65
* Update TortoiseOverlays to 1.1.4-26626
此外还有大量 bug 修复,详细改进请看发行说明。
TortoiseGit - 32-bit (~16 MB)
TortoiseGit - 64-bit (~19 MB)