NoSQL的持久层框架 Hibernate OGM v5.0.0.Final 发布
jopen 9年前
<p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" /></p> <h2>简介</h2> <p>OGM 是 Object Grid Mapping的缩写,意思是对象--数据网格映射,它的目标是试图使用 JPA 来操作 NoSQL数据库。通过使用Hibernate OGM, 我们可以把现有的, 基于JPA/Hibernate ORM的项目不加改动的从RMDBS切换到NO-SQL之上。</p> <h2>更新日志</h2> <p>** Bug<br /> * OGM-973 - build - Do not ship an 'org.parboiled' WildFly module<br /> * OGM-1039 - documentation, neo4j - Fix javadoc for embedded Neo4j transaction coordinators<br /> * OGM-854 - neo4j - Neo4j - *ToOne association not populated for entity returned from JP-QL or native NoSQL query</p> <p>** Improvement<br /> * OGM-1018 - core, documentation - hibernate-search-orm is not optional if you have Hibernate Search on the class path<br /> * OGM-1017 - cassandra - Cassandra should store java.math.BigDecimal as decimal<br /> * OGM-899 - documentation - Wrong OS Name<br /> * OGM-860 - - Move DocumentHelpers to more sensible place<br /> * OGM-1015 - build - Publish WildFly modules using a slot reflecting the version of OGM<br /> * OGM-1053 - documentation - Minor various documentation updates for 5.0 release</p> <p>** New Feature<br /> * OGM-1046 - build, tests - Tests in the package 'org.hibernate.ogm.backendtck.batchfetching' aren't committing the transaction<br /> * OGM-1034 - neo4j - Propagate changed property values to embedded nodes when updating an association<br /> * OGM-1027 - mongodb - Support BSON function calls in the MongoDB native parser<br /> * OGM-1030 - build - Upgrade to ORM 5.0.9<br /> * OGM-1028 - core - Add more verbosity to exception thrown by OgmEntityEntryState#getStateFor()<br /> * OGM-581 - query - Support Query#setParameterList()</p> <p>** Sub-task<br /> * OGM-991 - documentation - Add a unit test to make sure the Getting Started Guide is having the right configuration<br /> * OGM-921 - documentation - Remove hint for adding JBoss repo</p> <p>** Task<br /> * OGM-1013 - tests - Add unit tests for ArrayHelper utility class<br /> * OGM-1002 - build, tests - Move integration tests in the same module<br /> * OGM-1022 - documentation - Improve documentation around MongoDB CLI syntax<br /> * OGM-1048 - - Travis - Cassandra download URL is not stable<br /> * OGM-1010 - documentation, tests - No longer require users to import the Hibernate Search modules<br /> * OGM-1036 - build - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 5.5.3.Final<br /> * OGM-1037 - infinispan - Upgrade to Infinispan 8.2.1.Final<br /> * OGM-1009 - tests - Minor resource leaks in integration tests<br /> * OGM-713 - build, documentation - Remove mention of the full Object/Grid Mapper name in the documentation<br /> * OGM-1050 - - Fix several typos in method names and comments<br /> * OGM-1011 - core, mongodb - Move ByteStringType to core and update name and javadoc<br /> * OGM-888 - documentation - Update reference documentation after migration to ORM 5<br /> * OGM-990 - documentation - The Getting Started Guide needs to be updated<br /> * OGM-1021 - tests - Add Travis support</p> <h2>下载地址</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958990410793796823" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (zip)</a></li> <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958990410891680063" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (tar.gz)</a></li> </ul>