Go 开发的 HTTP 流量复制工具,Gor v0.10.0 发布
jopen 9年前
Gor 是用 Go 编写的简单 HTTP 流量复制工具,主要是为了从生产服务器返回流量到开发环境。使用 Gor 可以在实际的用户会话中测试代码。
Gor 基础工作流:
Middleware support! See README and examples folder. #162
Raw input now track responses (they are recorded to file input as well) #162
Changed file format, now it human readable #162
Changed internal TCP communication format (same as file format) #162
Add protection for malformed messages
Significantly improved test speed #162
Fix: do not add 80 port to HOST header #190