12 + 实现在线网络摄像头的jQuery插件和教程

jopen 11年前

Use Your Webcam using JavaScript/jQuery – ScriptCam

12 + 实现在线网络摄像头的jQuery插件和教程

ScriptCam is a popular JQuery plugin to manipulate webcams. Take snapshots, detect movement, colors, QR and barcodes, record videoclips and organize videochats.

Impress your clients and visitors with this multi-language and fully customizable library.

jQuery Webcam Plugin

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The jQuery webcam plugin is a transparent layer to communicate with a camera directly in JavaScript.

This plugin provides three different modes to access a webcam through a small API directly with JavaScript – or more precisely jQuery. Thus, it is possible to bring the image on a Canvas (callback mode), to store the image on the server (save mode) and to stream the live image of the Flash element on a Canvas (stream mode).

QR Code Scanning in jQuery – WebcamQRCode

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WebcamQRCode is a jQuery plugin that uses the webcam user to scan a QR code and return the result to the Javascript to be treated. This plugin was originally developed to scan the barcode of the product and automatically fill in the appropriate information on the form of an intranet. This plugin uses Flash to access the WebCam.

jQuery Photo Booth Plugin

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Create a simple mechanism for take webcam photos, using JavaScript.

Photobooth with PHP, jQuery and CSS3

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In this tutorial, we will be building a jQuery and PHP powered photobooth. It will allow your website visitors to take a snapshot with their web camera and upload it from a neat CSS3 interface.

As you might know, it is not possible to access web cameras and other peripheral devices directly from JavaScript (and it won’t be for some time). However there is a solution to our problem – we can use a flash movie. Flash has perfect web camera support, and is installed on nearly all internet – enabled computers.

The solution we are going to use for this app is webcam.js. It is a JavaScript wrapper around flash’s API that gives us control over the user’s webcam.

jQuery Plugin to Read Data From a User’s Webcam – Mackers jQuery Webcam Plugin

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This Mackers jQuery Webcam Plugin allows you to read data from a user’s webcam or other video capture device.

JavaScript Library for Head Tracking via Webcam – Headtrackr

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headtrackr is a javascript library for real-time face tracking and head tracking, tracking the position of a users head in relation to the computer screen, via a web camera and the webRTC/getUserMedia standard.


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The tracking.js brings to web elements tracking techniques of a real scene captured by the camera, through natural interactions from object tracking, color markers, among others, allowing the development of interfaces and games through a simple and intuitive API.


12 + 实现在线网络摄像头的jQuery插件和教程

Minimal JavaScript Library for Integrating a Webcam – Say Cheese!

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A minimal library for integrating webcam snapshots into your app. It uses getUserMedia, a recent API for accessing audio and video in the browser.

ActionScript 3 Library for Video/Audio/Image Recording from Webcams – WebcamRecorder

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A chromeless ActionScript 3 Library for video/audio/still image recording from webcams.

Using jQuery Webcam Plugin With ASP.NET MVC

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I have to use webcam images in one of applications I build and when playing with different components I found free and easy to use Flash and jQuery based webcam component called jQuery webcam plugin. In this posting I will show you how to use jQuery webcam plugin with ASP.NET MVC application to save captured image to server hard disc.

Webcam Component: Communicate With a Camera Directly

12 + 实现在线网络摄像头的jQuery插件和教程

Multi-media applications are becoming more and more common on the web. To satisfy the increasing demand, we are introducing a new component in ZK – ZK Webcam, which communicates with a camera directly based on the  jQuery webcam plugin and also integrating another ZK component, canvas4z for previewing snapshots.