Qt 开发IDE,Qt Creator 3.2.0 发布

jopen 11年前

Qt Creator 3.2.0 发布了,该版本增加了很多新特性,修复了 bug,此外企业 Qt Creator 可使用 QML profiler 来调试 JavaScript 的内存使用。需要注意的是 Qt Creator 3.2 不再支持 OS X 10.6,技术上的原因是苹果不支持在任意类型的 C++11,但不影响你运行 Qt 应用。

Qt Creator 是 Qt 被 Nokia 收购后推出的一款新的轻量级集成开发环境(IDE)。此 IDE 能够跨平台运行,支持的系统包括 Linux(32位及64 位)、Mac OS X 以及 Windows。根据官方描述,Qt Creator 的设计目标是使开发人员能够利用 Qt 这个应用程序框架更加快速及轻易的完成开发任务。

在功能方面,Qt Creator 包括项目生成向导、高级的 C++ 代码编辑器、浏览文件及类的工具、集成了 Qt Designer、图形化的 GDB 调试前端,集成 qmake 构建工具等。

  1. Qt Creator version 3.2 contains bug fixes and new features.
  2. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete
  3. list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that
  4. you can check out from the public Git repository. For example:
  5. git clone git://gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator.git
  6. git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline origin/3.1..origin/3.2
  7. General
  8. * Added "Get Help Online" context menu item to issues pane that searches for
  9. the issue description online in Google
  10. * Added action to file system locator filter ('f') for creating and opening a new file
  11. * Added search capability to general messages and most navigation panes
  12. * Added display of current variable values in variable chooser dialog
  13. * Added variable %{Env:...} for accessing environment variables
  14. (where variables can be used)
  15. * Enabled resizing of the locator field
  16. * Improved look and feel on HiDPI by adding more hi-resolution icons
  17. * Made New dialog non-modal (QTCREATORBUG-6102)
  18. * Made keyboard and mouse activation of navigation panes and other trees more consistent
  19. * Removed unhelpful Generic Highlighter loading progress bar
  20. * Fixed case-sensitivity of file system locator filter (QTCREATORBUG-10843)
  21. * Fixed that Window > Minimize, Zoom and Full Screen were always affecting the main window
  22. instead of the active window
  23. Editing
  24. * Added support for manually editing bookmark line number (QTCREATORBUG-9721)
  25. * Made Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down shortcuts configurable (QTCREATORBUG-4994)
  26. * Made editor popup (Ctrl+Tab) adapt its size to contents (QTCREATORBUG-10618)
  27. * Improved block editing (QTCREATORBUG-7773)
  28. * Fixed support for mixed languages in the generic highlighter
  29. * Fixed title when printing (QTCREATORBUG-12161)
  30. * Fixed that line number background color setting was ignored
  31. (QTCREATORBUG-12170)
  32. * Fixed that tooltips were shown when hovering over empty area
  33. (QTCREATORBUG-9437)
  34. * Fixed that tooltips were shown after triggering shortcut with
  35. Alt key (QTCREATORBUG-12382)
  36. * Fixed scroll behavior when editing same file in multiple splits
  37. (QTCREATORBUG-11486)
  38. * Fixed Open With when file is open in multiple splits
  39. * Fixed that search highlights were removed when switching editors
  40. (QTCREATORBUG-9949)
  41. * Fixed dropping files in the presence of splits or external windows
  42. (QTCREATORBUG-9023)
  43. Help
  44. * Added page up and page down shortcuts to topic chooser
  45. * Added button for regenerating documentation index to Search pane
  46. (QTCREATORBUG-11484)
  47. * Changed documentation of examples to open in an external window
  48. * Fixed that opening help in external window was not possible without
  49. disabling help mode
  50. * Fixed issue with F1 in help viewer showing 'No document' instead of opening
  51. Help mode
  52. * Fixed that context help was not showing latest Qt 5 documentation
  53. (QTCREATORBUG-10331)
  54. * Fixed reverted check state of Show Sidebar menu item
  55. * Fixed selection behavior in documentation settings (QTCREATORBUG-12135)
  56. Managing and Building Projects
  57. QMake Projects
  58. * Added context menu item for copying resource path from entries in QRC
  59. files in project tree (QTCREATORBUG-11776)
  60. * Added deployment support to plain C and C++ application wizards
  61. * Added support for restricting automatic creation of run configurations
  62. (QTCREATORBUG-10953)
  63. * Added Show in Explorer context menu item for qrc nodes and their subnodes
  64. in project tree (QTCREATORBUG-12374)
  65. * Improved dropdown menu for selecting the project file when using wizard
  66. to add files (QTCREATORBUG-12002)
  67. * Removed warning about build directory below source directory for kits
  68. with Qt 5.2 and later where this is supported (QTCREATORBUG-10024)
  69. * Fixed that adding files to .pri file was missing $$PWD
  70. CMake Projects
  71. * Fixed that .cmake files were opened as projects (QTCREATORBUG-12461)
  72. Qbs Projects
  73. * Added support for adding and removing files from projects
  74. * Fixed that run configurations were created for products that are not runnable
  75. (QTCREATORBUG-12152)
  76. * Fixed that run configurations were created for disabled products (QBS-560)
  77. * Fixed that default build directory was ignored
  78. Generic Projects
  79. Debugging
  80. * Fixed tooltip expansion behavior (QTCREATORBUG-11404)
  81. * Changed default of "Load system GDB pretty printer" option back to "off"
  82. * Added option to disable automatic centering on currently debugged
  83. line in editor
  84. * Made environment variables accessible in startup command settings
  85. using a %{Env:SOME_NAME} syntax
  86. * Changed single click on column view headers to cycle through
  87. a "small widget" and a "width according to contents"
  88. * Removed the "Always adjust to content size options" and
  89. made this the default behavior
  90. * Added pretty printers for AVX512 registers
  91. * Fixed display of fixed-size wchar_t arrays
  92. * Added personaltypes.py as default location for user created dumpers
  93. * Added file setting to point to user created file of dumpers
  94. (QTCREATORBUG-12492)
  95. * Added button to restart current debugging session
  96. without quitting the debugger process
  97. * Made our dumpers also accessible from command line GDB
  98. * Made LLDB engine honor the max stack depth setting
  99. (QTCREATORBUG-12416)
  100. * Added dumpers for QStringData, QHashedString and QQmlRefCount
  101. * Fixed CDB engine to reset Locals and Expressions when
  102. switching frames
  103. * Made LLDB engine recover more gracefully from unexpected
  104. situations
  105. * Improved handling of the tabbed extra views for displayed
  106. items
  107. * Fixed regression in process snapshot creation
  108. * Fixed crash in CDB extension related to verbose logs
  109. * Introduced option to limit retrieval of string-like values
  110. * Introduced [a..b] and [a.(s).b] syntax for more flexibility
  111. in "ranged" expressions in Locals and Expression view
  112. * Added several convienience functions to Python dumper interface
  113. * Fixed CDB detection for Windows SDK 8.1
  114. * Added raw opcode bytes to Disassembler view
  115. * Changed Disassembler view to order lines by increasing address
  116. * Made more dumpers work in release builds
  117. * Fixed debugging applications that are run in a terminal on Linux (QTCREATORBUG-3509)
  118. QML Profiler
  119. * Improved performance (QTCREATORBUG-12341)
  120. * Fixed drawing issues (QTBUG-38222)
  121. * Fixed that clicking visible event was sometimes moving timeline
  122. (QTCREATORBUG-11945)
  123. * Fixed navigation through events (QTCREATORBUG-12634)
  124. Analyzer
  125. * Added support for Run in Terminal (QTCREATORBUG-7311)
  126. * Fixed passing of multiple arguments to application
  127. C++ Support
  128. * Added support for C99 designated initializers (QTCREATORBUG-1902)
  129. * Added support for UTF-8 in the lexer (QTCREATORBUG-7356)
  130. * Fixed finding usages of members of typedef'ed anonymous structs
  132. * Fixed indentation of concatenated strings
  133. * Fixed pointer typedef resolving (QTCREATORBUG-10021)
  134. * Fixed scroll wheel behavior in editor's symbols dropdown
  135. * Fixed that some wizards were ignoring configured file extensions
  136. (QTCREATORBUG-12309)
  137. * Fixed parsing of trailing type-specifier
  138. * Fixed parsing of expressions like vector<int>{1}
  139. * Fixed the Create Getter and Setter Member Functions refactoring action
  140. for variables with "m" and "m_" prefixes (QTCREATORBUG-12244)
  141. * Fixed that "using Ns::Class" did not highlight class in including files (QTCREATORBUG-12357)
  142. * Fixed include paths handling (QTCREATORBUG-11599)
  143. * Fixed parsing of expressions like vector<int>{1}
  144. * Fixed completion for template with default argument
  146. * Improved lambda support
  147. * Fixed local uses, completion and find usages for parameters
  148. * Fixed "duplicate data type in declaration" warning (QTCREATORBUG-12521)
  149. * Improved infrastructure for Clang integration
  150. * Reworked indexing data structure
  151. * Started to clean up C++ editor
  152. QML Support
  153. * Fixed handling of properties that start with underscore (QTCREATORBUG-12214)
  154. Qt Quick Designer
  155. * Changed puppet helper executable to be compiled on demand
  156. * Added support for reloading states editor
  157. * Improved gradient editor
  158. * Fixed minimum and maximum sizes for Window component (QTCREATORBUG-12209)
  159. * Fixed wrong password mode property on text fields
  160. * Fixed that it was not possible to anchor to all possible targets
  161. (QTCREATORBUG-12077)
  162. * Fixed possible values for preferred highlight properties
  163. (QTCREATORBUG-12216)
  164. * Fixed setting empty text on Label and Text items (QTCREATORBUG-12119)
  165. * Fixed property sections for TextEdit (QTCREATORBUG-12452)
  166. Diff Viewer
  167. * Reworked unified diff mode
  168. Version Control Systems
  169. * Git
  170. * Fixed replies to prompts (QTCREATORBUG-12335)
  171. * Fixed that original author was not preserved during Cherry-Pick
  172. * Reintroduced the expanded branch list in Show (QTCREATORBUG-11293)
  173. * Fixed that switching to the commit editor was unresponsive (QTCREATORBUG-12449)
  174. * Fixed showing commits by clicking their hashes in the interactive rebase editor
  175. * Improved display in the Gerrit dialog to visualize dependencies
  176. * Added support for choosing reviewer in Push to Gerrit dialog
  177. over HTTP
  178. FakeVim
  179. * Added support for unicode input with 'C-v' in insert mode
  180. * Fixed issues with long command output (QTCREATORBUG-11598)
  181. * Fixed 'gv' after yanking text in visual mode (QTCREATORBUG-12112)
  182. * Fixed 'v', 'V' and 'C-v' while in visual mode (QTCREATORBUG-12113)
  183. * Improved sharing of navigation data between editors of the
  184. same document
  185. Beautifier
  186. * Added support for formatting a file asynchronously
  187. * Added support for redirecting text to a formatter tool
  188. instead of using temporary files
  189. * Fixed that running formatting tool was blocking UI
  190. Platform Specific
  191. Windows
  192. * Fixed issue with environment variables starting with '=' (QTCREATORBUG-8716)
  193. * Fixed detection of MSVC tool chains (QTCREATORBUG-10998)
  194. OS X
  195. * Removed support for OS X 10.6
  196. * Fixed activation of items with Enter in Bookmarks pane
  197. Android
  198. * Removed upper limit of version code in manifest editor (QTCREATORBUG-12668)
  199. * Fixed that UI was unresponsive while creating AVD (QTCREATORBUG-10601)
  200. Remote Linux
  201. * Added custom remote executable run configuration type (QTCREATORBUG-12168)
  202. * Fixed issue with environment variables that contain spaces
  203. QNX
  204. * Added option to deploy Qt libraries to device options
  205. BareMetal
  206. * Added openocd pipelining support
  207. * Added variable support for device specific GDB commands
  208. Credits for these changes go to:
  209. Adam Strzelecki
  210. Alessandro Portale
  211. André Pönitz
  212. Andrew Knight
  213. Anton Kalmykov
  214. Benjamin Zeller
  215. Campbell Barton
  216. Christian Kamm
  217. Christian Kandeler
  218. Christian Stenger
  219. Daniel Teske
  220. David Kaspar
  221. David Schulz
  222. Eike Ziller
  223. El Mehdi Fekari
  224. Erik Verbruggen
  225. Evgenly Stepanov
  226. Fawzi Mohamed
  227. Frantisek Vacek
  228. Friedemann Kleint
  229. Hugues Delorme
  230. Jaroslaw Kobus
  231. Jerome Pasion
  232. Jörg Bornemann
  233. Kai Köhne
  234. Karsten Heimrich
  235. Knut Petter Svendsen
  236. Leena Miettinen
  237. Lorenz Haas
  238. Lukas Holecek
  239. Marco Bubke
  240. Mitch Curtis
  241. Niels Weber
  242. Nikita Baryshnikov
  243. Nikolai Kosjar
  244. Oliver Wolff
  245. Orgad Shaneh
  246. Oswald Buddenhagen
  247. Przemyslaw Gorszkowski
  248. Rainer Keller
  249. Robert Löhning
  250. Sergey Shambir
  251. Stephen Kelly
  252. Sveinung Kvilhaugsvik
  253. Thiago Macieira
  254. Thomas Epting
  255. Thomas Hartmann
  256. Tim Jenssen
  257. Tim Sander
  258. Tobias Hunger
  259. Tobias Nätterlund
  260. Tom Deblauwe
  261. Ulf Hermann
  262. Vicken Simonian
  263. Wang Hoi
  264. Wiebe Cazemier