Qt 开发IDE,Qt Creator 3.2.0 发布
jopen 11年前
Qt Creator 3.2.0 发布了,该版本增加了很多新特性,修复了 bug,此外企业 Qt Creator 可使用 QML profiler 来调试 JavaScript 的内存使用。需要注意的是 Qt Creator 3.2 不再支持 OS X 10.6,技术上的原因是苹果不支持在任意类型的 C++11,但不影响你运行 Qt 应用。
Qt Creator 是 Qt 被 Nokia 收购后推出的一款新的轻量级集成开发环境(IDE)。此 IDE 能够跨平台运行,支持的系统包括 Linux(32位及64 位)、Mac OS X 以及 Windows。根据官方描述,Qt Creator 的设计目标是使开发人员能够利用 Qt 这个应用程序框架更加快速及轻易的完成开发任务。
在功能方面,Qt Creator 包括项目生成向导、高级的 C++ 代码编辑器、浏览文件及类的工具、集成了 Qt Designer、图形化的 GDB 调试前端,集成 qmake 构建工具等。
- Qt Creator version 3.2 contains bug fixes and new features.
- The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete
- list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that
- you can check out from the public Git repository. For example:
- git clone git://gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator.git
- git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline origin/3.1..origin/3.2
- General
- * Added "Get Help Online" context menu item to issues pane that searches for
- the issue description online in Google
- * Added action to file system locator filter ('f') for creating and opening a new file
- * Added search capability to general messages and most navigation panes
- * Added display of current variable values in variable chooser dialog
- * Added variable %{Env:...} for accessing environment variables
- (where variables can be used)
- * Enabled resizing of the locator field
- * Improved look and feel on HiDPI by adding more hi-resolution icons
- * Made New dialog non-modal (QTCREATORBUG-6102)
- * Made keyboard and mouse activation of navigation panes and other trees more consistent
- * Removed unhelpful Generic Highlighter loading progress bar
- * Fixed case-sensitivity of file system locator filter (QTCREATORBUG-10843)
- * Fixed that Window > Minimize, Zoom and Full Screen were always affecting the main window
- instead of the active window
- Editing
- * Added support for manually editing bookmark line number (QTCREATORBUG-9721)
- * Made Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down shortcuts configurable (QTCREATORBUG-4994)
- * Made editor popup (Ctrl+Tab) adapt its size to contents (QTCREATORBUG-10618)
- * Improved block editing (QTCREATORBUG-7773)
- * Fixed support for mixed languages in the generic highlighter
- * Fixed title when printing (QTCREATORBUG-12161)
- * Fixed that line number background color setting was ignored
- * Fixed that tooltips were shown when hovering over empty area
- * Fixed that tooltips were shown after triggering shortcut with
- Alt key (QTCREATORBUG-12382)
- * Fixed scroll behavior when editing same file in multiple splits
- * Fixed Open With when file is open in multiple splits
- * Fixed that search highlights were removed when switching editors
- * Fixed dropping files in the presence of splits or external windows
- Help
- * Added page up and page down shortcuts to topic chooser
- * Added button for regenerating documentation index to Search pane
- * Changed documentation of examples to open in an external window
- * Fixed that opening help in external window was not possible without
- disabling help mode
- * Fixed issue with F1 in help viewer showing 'No document' instead of opening
- Help mode
- * Fixed that context help was not showing latest Qt 5 documentation
- * Fixed reverted check state of Show Sidebar menu item
- * Fixed selection behavior in documentation settings (QTCREATORBUG-12135)
- Managing and Building Projects
- QMake Projects
- * Added context menu item for copying resource path from entries in QRC
- files in project tree (QTCREATORBUG-11776)
- * Added deployment support to plain C and C++ application wizards
- * Added support for restricting automatic creation of run configurations
- * Added Show in Explorer context menu item for qrc nodes and their subnodes
- in project tree (QTCREATORBUG-12374)
- * Improved dropdown menu for selecting the project file when using wizard
- to add files (QTCREATORBUG-12002)
- * Removed warning about build directory below source directory for kits
- with Qt 5.2 and later where this is supported (QTCREATORBUG-10024)
- * Fixed that adding files to .pri file was missing $$PWD
- CMake Projects
- * Fixed that .cmake files were opened as projects (QTCREATORBUG-12461)
- Qbs Projects
- * Added support for adding and removing files from projects
- * Fixed that run configurations were created for products that are not runnable
- * Fixed that run configurations were created for disabled products (QBS-560)
- * Fixed that default build directory was ignored
- Generic Projects
- Debugging
- * Fixed tooltip expansion behavior (QTCREATORBUG-11404)
- * Changed default of "Load system GDB pretty printer" option back to "off"
- * Added option to disable automatic centering on currently debugged
- line in editor
- * Made environment variables accessible in startup command settings
- using a %{Env:SOME_NAME} syntax
- * Changed single click on column view headers to cycle through
- a "small widget" and a "width according to contents"
- * Removed the "Always adjust to content size options" and
- made this the default behavior
- * Added pretty printers for AVX512 registers
- * Fixed display of fixed-size wchar_t arrays
- * Added personaltypes.py as default location for user created dumpers
- * Added file setting to point to user created file of dumpers
- * Added button to restart current debugging session
- without quitting the debugger process
- * Made our dumpers also accessible from command line GDB
- * Made LLDB engine honor the max stack depth setting
- * Added dumpers for QStringData, QHashedString and QQmlRefCount
- * Fixed CDB engine to reset Locals and Expressions when
- switching frames
- * Made LLDB engine recover more gracefully from unexpected
- situations
- * Improved handling of the tabbed extra views for displayed
- items
- * Fixed regression in process snapshot creation
- * Fixed crash in CDB extension related to verbose logs
- * Introduced option to limit retrieval of string-like values
- * Introduced [a..b] and [a.(s).b] syntax for more flexibility
- in "ranged" expressions in Locals and Expression view
- * Added several convienience functions to Python dumper interface
- * Fixed CDB detection for Windows SDK 8.1
- * Added raw opcode bytes to Disassembler view
- * Changed Disassembler view to order lines by increasing address
- * Made more dumpers work in release builds
- * Fixed debugging applications that are run in a terminal on Linux (QTCREATORBUG-3509)
- QML Profiler
- * Improved performance (QTCREATORBUG-12341)
- * Fixed drawing issues (QTBUG-38222)
- * Fixed that clicking visible event was sometimes moving timeline
- * Fixed navigation through events (QTCREATORBUG-12634)
- Analyzer
- * Added support for Run in Terminal (QTCREATORBUG-7311)
- * Fixed passing of multiple arguments to application
- C++ Support
- * Added support for C99 designated initializers (QTCREATORBUG-1902)
- * Added support for UTF-8 in the lexer (QTCREATORBUG-7356)
- * Fixed finding usages of members of typedef'ed anonymous structs
- * Fixed indentation of concatenated strings
- * Fixed pointer typedef resolving (QTCREATORBUG-10021)
- * Fixed scroll wheel behavior in editor's symbols dropdown
- * Fixed that some wizards were ignoring configured file extensions
- * Fixed parsing of trailing type-specifier
- * Fixed parsing of expressions like vector<int>{1}
- * Fixed the Create Getter and Setter Member Functions refactoring action
- for variables with "m" and "m_" prefixes (QTCREATORBUG-12244)
- * Fixed that "using Ns::Class" did not highlight class in including files (QTCREATORBUG-12357)
- * Fixed include paths handling (QTCREATORBUG-11599)
- * Fixed parsing of expressions like vector<int>{1}
- * Fixed completion for template with default argument
- * Improved lambda support
- * Fixed local uses, completion and find usages for parameters
- * Fixed "duplicate data type in declaration" warning (QTCREATORBUG-12521)
- * Improved infrastructure for Clang integration
- * Reworked indexing data structure
- * Started to clean up C++ editor
- QML Support
- * Fixed handling of properties that start with underscore (QTCREATORBUG-12214)
- Qt Quick Designer
- * Changed puppet helper executable to be compiled on demand
- * Added support for reloading states editor
- * Improved gradient editor
- * Fixed minimum and maximum sizes for Window component (QTCREATORBUG-12209)
- * Fixed wrong password mode property on text fields
- * Fixed that it was not possible to anchor to all possible targets
- * Fixed possible values for preferred highlight properties
- * Fixed setting empty text on Label and Text items (QTCREATORBUG-12119)
- * Fixed property sections for TextEdit (QTCREATORBUG-12452)
- Diff Viewer
- * Reworked unified diff mode
- Version Control Systems
- * Git
- * Fixed replies to prompts (QTCREATORBUG-12335)
- * Fixed that original author was not preserved during Cherry-Pick
- * Reintroduced the expanded branch list in Show (QTCREATORBUG-11293)
- * Fixed that switching to the commit editor was unresponsive (QTCREATORBUG-12449)
- * Fixed showing commits by clicking their hashes in the interactive rebase editor
- * Improved display in the Gerrit dialog to visualize dependencies
- * Added support for choosing reviewer in Push to Gerrit dialog
- over HTTP
- FakeVim
- * Added support for unicode input with 'C-v' in insert mode
- * Fixed issues with long command output (QTCREATORBUG-11598)
- * Fixed 'gv' after yanking text in visual mode (QTCREATORBUG-12112)
- * Fixed 'v', 'V' and 'C-v' while in visual mode (QTCREATORBUG-12113)
- * Improved sharing of navigation data between editors of the
- same document
- Beautifier
- * Added support for formatting a file asynchronously
- * Added support for redirecting text to a formatter tool
- instead of using temporary files
- * Fixed that running formatting tool was blocking UI
- Platform Specific
- Windows
- * Fixed issue with environment variables starting with '=' (QTCREATORBUG-8716)
- * Fixed detection of MSVC tool chains (QTCREATORBUG-10998)
- OS X
- * Removed support for OS X 10.6
- * Fixed activation of items with Enter in Bookmarks pane
- Android
- * Removed upper limit of version code in manifest editor (QTCREATORBUG-12668)
- * Fixed that UI was unresponsive while creating AVD (QTCREATORBUG-10601)
- Remote Linux
- * Added custom remote executable run configuration type (QTCREATORBUG-12168)
- * Fixed issue with environment variables that contain spaces
- * Added option to deploy Qt libraries to device options
- BareMetal
- * Added openocd pipelining support
- * Added variable support for device specific GDB commands
- Credits for these changes go to:
- Adam Strzelecki
- Alessandro Portale
- André Pönitz
- Andrew Knight
- Anton Kalmykov
- Benjamin Zeller
- Campbell Barton
- Christian Kamm
- Christian Kandeler
- Christian Stenger
- Daniel Teske
- David Kaspar
- David Schulz
- Eike Ziller
- El Mehdi Fekari
- Erik Verbruggen
- Evgenly Stepanov
- Fawzi Mohamed
- Frantisek Vacek
- Friedemann Kleint
- Hugues Delorme
- Jaroslaw Kobus
- Jerome Pasion
- Jörg Bornemann
- Kai Köhne
- Karsten Heimrich
- Knut Petter Svendsen
- Leena Miettinen
- Lorenz Haas
- Lukas Holecek
- Marco Bubke
- Mitch Curtis
- Niels Weber
- Nikita Baryshnikov
- Nikolai Kosjar
- Oliver Wolff
- Orgad Shaneh
- Oswald Buddenhagen
- Przemyslaw Gorszkowski
- Rainer Keller
- Robert Löhning
- Sergey Shambir
- Stephen Kelly
- Sveinung Kvilhaugsvik
- Thiago Macieira
- Thomas Epting
- Thomas Hartmann
- Tim Jenssen
- Tim Sander
- Tobias Hunger
- Tobias Nätterlund
- Tom Deblauwe
- Ulf Hermann
- Vicken Simonian
- Wang Hoi
- Wiebe Cazemier