Linux Mint 15 RC 发布

jopen 12年前

Linux Mint是一份基于Ubuntu的发行,其目标是提供一份更完整意义上的即刻可用的体验,而这通过包含浏览器插件、多媒体编码解码器、DVD播放支持、Java及其他组件来实现。它也增加了一套定制桌面及各种菜单,一些独特的配置工具,以及一份基于web的软件包安装界面。Linux Mint兼容Ubuntu软件仓库。
Linux Mint 15 RC 发布
Clement Lefebvre has announced that the release candidate for Linux Mint 15 is ready for download and testing: " The team is proud to announce the release of Linux Mint 15 'Olivia' RC. Linux Mint 15 is the most ambitious release since the start of the project. MATE 1.6 is greatly improved and Cinnamon 1.8 offers a ton of new features, including a screensaver and a unified control center. The login screen can now be themed in HTML 5 and two new tools, 'Software Sources' and 'Driver Manager', make their first appearance in Linux Mint. MDM now features 3 greeters: a GTK+ greeter; a themeable GDM greeter for which hundreds of themes are available; a brand new HTML greeter, also themeable which supports a new generation of animated and interactive themes." See the release announcement, release notes and what's new page for more details, known issues and screenshots. Download ( SHA256): linuxmint-15-cinnamon-dvd-64bit-rc.iso (906MB, torrent), linuxmint-15-mate-dvd-64bit-rc.iso (985MB, torrent).
Linux Mint 15 RC 发布