GTK+ 3.14.14/3.16.5 发布,GUI 开发工具包
GTK+ 3.14.14 和 GTK+ 3.16.5 发布,主要是 bug 修复和翻译更新,现已提供下载:
GTK+ 3.14.14 更新内容如下:
Bug 修复
+ 693738 gtk print dialog shows "Getting printer information failed"...
+ 738083 GtkMenuButton is not disabled even if corresponding GAction is
+ 745957 GTK+/Quartz >= 3.14.8: Symbol not found: _gtk_drag_cancel (...
+ 750011 Adwaita : missing background for menu
+ 750605 icontheme: don't modify symbolic SVG dimensions when recoloring
+ 750690 Recent Chooser Widget doesn't expand
+ 750870 gtk3 does apparently ignore replayed events?
+ 750994 X11: First mouse wheel event ignored after right click or Alt+Tab...
+ 751050 Moving the mouse while a stepper is activated causes the scrollba...
+ 751227 file picker list box height stretches to match extra widgets area...
+ 751443 resource_path value cleared in gtk_image_set_from_resource
+ 751739 Deadlock in X11 when setting XSetErrorHandler while another threa...
+ 751752 Memleak when both opening shm and opening file in tmp fail
GTK+ 3.16.5 发布,更新内容如下:
Bug 修复:
+ 750489 gtk settings c910 warning unexpected annotation element type command
+ 750605 icontheme: don't modify symbolic SVG dimensions when recoloring
+ 750690 Recent Chooser Widget doesn't expand
+ 750718 Improve documentation for deprecated properties
+ 750870 gtk3 does apparently ignore replayed events?
+ 750888 Fix return value error in _gtk_text_handle_set_direction
+ 750994 X11: First mouse wheel event ignored after right click or Alt+Tab...
+ 751018 Widget: GtkMenuButton+GtkPopover gtk_toggle_button_set_active() n...
+ 751050 Moving the mouse while a stepper is activated causes the scrollba...
+ 751082 GtkTreeView draw performance is bad when contents are not larger ...
+ 751227 file picker list box height stretches to match extra widgets area...
+ 751443 resource_path value cleared in gtk_image_set_from_resource
+ 751739 Deadlock in X11 when setting XSetErrorHandler while another threa...
+ 751752 Memleak when both opening shm and opening file in tmp fail
+ 751754 GtkSwitch: calling gtk_switch_set_active in the handler for notif...
+ Fix ridge/groove border rendering
+ GtkListBoxRow: propagate in the draw vfunc
GTK(GIMP Toolkit)是一套跨多种平台的图形工具包,按LGPL许可协议发布的。虽然最初是为GIMP写的,但目前已发展为一个功能强大、设计灵活的一个通用 图形库。特别是被GNOME选中使得GTK+广为流传,成为Linux下开发图形界面的应用程序的主流开发工具之一,当然GTK+并不要求必须在 Linux上,事实上,目前GTK+已经有了成功的windows版本。
GTK虽然是用C语言写的,但是您可以使用你熟悉的语言了使用GTK,因为GTK+已经被绑定到几乎所有流行的语言上,如:C++, Guile, Perl, Python, TOM, Ada95, Objective C, Free Pascal, and Eiffel。