Apache模块 mod-xslt
fmms 13年前
mod-xslt 是一个 Apache 的扩展模块,用 XSLT 样式单来实现将 XML 文件转换成 HTML 文档的功能。 <p class="text0"><b>mod-xslt2</b> is able to: </p> <ul class="sdope-itemizedlist"> <li class="sdope-listitem">parse <b>dynamically generated xml</b> provided by cgi scripts or server side languages, like <b>perl</b> or <b>php</b>.</li> <li class="sdope-listitem">use a <b>full featured language</b> based on PIs to choose which stylesheet to use, language that can make use of headers provided by the client, <b>GET</b> parameters and <b>regular expressions</b></li> <li class="sdope-listitem">parse external <b>DTDs</b> and use the defaults therein provided</li> <li class="sdope-listitem">fetch stylesheets or external entities from other <b>dynamic pages</b>, http or ftp urls without creating the potential of deadlocks and <b>avoiding most of the dangerous conditions</b></li> <li class="sdope-listitem">set the <b>mime type</b> of the transformation result as told by the xslt</li> <li class="sdope-listitem">let the xslt access <b>GET parameters</b> or <b>modify the headers</b> returned back to the browser</li> <li class="sdope-listitem">provide a set of <b>standard compliant</b> functions allowing you to keep your xslt or xml files <b>compatible</b> with any xslt processor, even when using <b>mod-xslt2</b> enhanced features</li> </ul> 项目地址: <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958190728950406418" target="_blank">http://www.mod-xslt2.com/</a> <br />