ANTRO is a space where creativity is focused on user experience through reflection and exploration. To meet today’s challenges, we carefully consider every action to carry out our mandates with vision and innovation.
Light Bridge Creative
One pager for ‘Light Bridge Creative’. Their site uses large imagery and animations. The navigation is interesting – it uses an icon to show you your location on the page making it easy to navigate.
Jordan Flaig
Clean one page portfolio with side navigation for ‘Jordan Flaig’, a web designer and developer from Virginia who specializes in gaming design.
Maria Schiffer Photography
One page portfolio with AJAX loading case studies for the Hamburg based Photographer, Maria Schiffer.
Responsive one page portfolio with a unique intro slider for ‘Egotribe’ – a creative digital agency based in Amsterdam.
Neat one pager for ‘myMail’ email client app by My.com featuring some gorgeous icons not to mention their slick load transitions.
Clean black and white single page website by ‘CanvasFlow’. Their site is simple, and uses Behance to display portfolio work.
M-Way Apps
Great single page website for ‘M-Way Apps’. Love the clean palette and easy-to-read content with fresh images.
Good Design Works
Simple one page ‘folio by Geoff Hill for his design company ‘Good Design Works’. Really like the animated cog icons and vintage feel, and the responsive layout looks great on mobile!
Oui Will
Minimal one page portfolio of ‘Oui Will’, a local (San Diego) creative agency. Their one pager has a cool intro slider saying what they will do for you (Oui Will)… and their work section is very clean.
Clean, flat one pager for a digital agency in South Africa called ‘Teamgeek’. Loving the colors and flat icons used in the design… but would have liked to see the site responsive. Great job Teamgeek team!
Make Your Money Matter
Make sure you check the new Featured One Pager out for ‘Make Your Money Matter’. This campaign exposes the truth about what happens when you deposit money into big banks, and how depositing in to your local credit union helps the community. This one pager is loaded with colorful illustrations and animations as you scroll down. Awesome job PSCU team!
Landing page with a neat illustrated GIF demo of how ‘Keezy’ app allows you to create music with your iPhone.
Fluger Design
MIJLO Essentials
The AJAX loading site showcases the potential contents of the funded bag that selective creatives would have in them.
Neat interactive one pager for an app that brings your Basecamp accounts together and let’s you leave comments, check to-dos, even upload files straight from your iPhone Awesome app, and awesome landing page design!
The 非死book Grill
“All about 非死book” conference in Bratislava, Slovakia… and is also an invitation to Mark Zuckerberg to attend. This site uses parallax scrolling images and a fullscreen video about how the grill was made… awesome attention to detail here. Love the blueprints and animated map.
Byte Dept
Animated single page website by an app building company called ‘Byte Dept.’. There site is simple, and uses a dropping animation as the intro. Love the animations that are throughout the site.
Very simple landing page to promote a free CSS framework called ‘Siiiimple’ with an example in the page of the framework in use.