Frugalware Linux 1.9 RC2,通用桌面Linux发行
Frugalware Linux是一份独立开发的通用桌面Linux发行,它面向中级用户。它遵循了Slackware风格的简洁设计理念,并且包括了来自Arch Linux的pacman包管理实用工具。
James Buren has announced the availability of the second release candidate for Frugalware Linux 1.9, a general-purpose Linux distribution: " This is the second release candidate for Frugalware Linux 1.9. This release fixes a number of minor issues with the installer. A case where TAB would cycle through the wrong order with the widgets in the partition formatting window is now fixed. Installer no longer relies on HOSTNAME for determining if it is within the live environment. It is now possible to skip IPv6 configuration and adding a new user. A case where a crash happened when the swap file system mount path is empty is now fixed. A missing locale file is now symlinked on new GRUB installs. It was a harmless bug, but still needed fixing. Installer now automatically starts after booting and the other TTYs have login information if you need shell access." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: fvbe-1.9rc2-full-x86_64.iso (1,872MB, SHA1).