Simplicity Linux 13.10 发布
Simplicity Linux是Puppy Linux的衍生物,它采用LXDE作为缺省桌面环境。它以四种样式提供:Obsidian版、Netbook版、Desktop版、Media版。Netbook版的特色在于云计算软件,Desktop版提供一套通用软件,Media版则为使用PC机的家宅一族提供对媒体的简便访问。
David Purse has announced the release of Simplicity Linux 13.10, a new version of the project's Puppy-based distribution for desktops and netbooks, featuring the LXDE desktop environment: " We are proud to announce that Simplicity Linux 13.10 is now available for download. From today you can download Obsidian, Netbook and Desktop. Media and X will be available in a few days, as we're still not 100% happy with them. Simplicity Linux 13.10 is based on Upup which in turn is based on Puppy Linux. Desktop has the biggest change this release cycle. We have now brought back OnLive; improvements in WINE and video drivers mean that OnLive works better than it did in the past. We know it's not Steam, but with OnLive if you have a decent Internet connection, at least you don't have to worry about big downloads, you can just get on with gaming. Desktop also has Dropbox integrated into it, so you can sync your files and get them on any device with a browser." Read the rest of the release announcement for further details.
Download (MD5):
Desktop1310Final.iso (347MB),
Netbook1310Final.iso (180MB),
Obsidian1310Final.iso (186MB).