基于Debian的桌面Linux发行, Elive 2.6.8 (Beta) 发布
Elive,或者称为Enlightenment live CD,是基于Debian的桌面Linux发行,它使用Enlightenment作为窗口管理器。除了面向日常桌面应用进行了预配置外,它还包含 了“Elpanel”,一份面向简化系统和桌面管理的控制中心。
Huge fonts with nvidia cards fixed
Much improved touchpad default configurations
Internet configurator widget is now static in the desktop so the users won’t miss it
Zsh shell by default, with a ton of amazing features included, we configured it to keep a maximum compatibility with the bash shell so that the users won’t see any difference, if you don’t know zsh think about it like a much more powerful bash shell, it includes a small demo help to have an idea of its powerful features
A lot of fixes in the internal elive tools
Improved autodetected configurations
Lots of small fixes and improvements in the installer
Skype audio works again by using alsa if you run it from the menus
详情请查看:release announcement
下载地址:Downloads: elive_2.6.8_beta_hybrid.iso (2,429MB, MD5).
via distrowatch.com